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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2010, 12:16 PM
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Issue with Sprint's 6.5 and Custom T9 Dictionary

I appologize in advance if there is already a post on this but I did a search and couldn't find any mention of it.

I am running Sprint's custom 6.5 ROM and for the most part am happy with it. The only thing that annoys me is the Custom T9 Dictionary. After adding a work to the dictionary, the T9 dictionary will find the word until I do a soft reset. After a soft reset the entire Custom Dictionary seems to be deleted. Has anyone else experianced this? Is there a solution? I did a hard reset, reinstalled programs tweeks etc and nothing. Still the same issue. Very annoying.

I don't want to hear answers like don't use T9 or use the slide out keyboard etc. I would like to use the T9 dictionary without the keyboard when making quick text responses. Thanks in advance for anyones help.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2010, 01:01 PM
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Re: Issue with Sprint's 6.5 and Custom T9 Dictionary

Interesting... not quite sure why the dictionary would clear. It could be that a registry setting is stuck or incorrect. Try doing the following:

1. Open Start>Settings>Personal>Input>Options
2. Toggle the XT9 settings off, then back on again.
3. Soft-reset and see if the problem is fixed

HOWEVER - I do not use XT9. In the past, I used autocomplete which seemed to update itself when you added words it did not recognize. I just did some digging, and it seems that XT9 might not be able to learn new words by default. Have a look at this thread at XDA-Developers that shows how to update the dictionary:

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: Issue with Sprint's 6.5 and Custom T9 Dictionary

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
1. Open Start>Settings>Personal>Input>Options
2. Toggle the XT9 settings off, then back on again.
3. Soft-reset and see if the problem is fixed
Thanks for the suggestion but this didn't work. I went to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=610549 per your suggestion and and tired editing eT9MyWords.exe in the Windows folder by adding a few custom words. After a soft reset, all the words were gone. Seems a soft reset clears the list. Very weird but I am sure there must be a solution. My search continues.
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