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Old 04-02-2010, 01:18 PM
mcurtis's Avatar
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text & symbols issues

I know this is going to sound minuscule. I am having trouble with the on screen keyboard switching from symbol to letters.

I do a lot of symbols in my text like * & (( ))

Here is the an example:

On my touch pro I was able to hit: 12# (or w/e it was) key it would change to symbols. hit the * key, then it would automatically switch back to letters and I was able to type out thonk then hit the key change to symbol, and hit the * key and again it would automatically go back letters

I noticed when I got my TP2 when I tired to do *thonk* after I hit the astick. I have to the 12# key after the * to switch it back to letters. I got used to it. Kinda annoying but *shrugh* So I did the 6.5 update and I noticed i could do the old way again! YaY!

Well last week I noticed my GPS wouldn't work in a known working area. Tired a couple days never could get it to work, kept getting GPS signal to weak. So on Wednesday I redid the 6.5 update again. YaY!! I can find myself again!!! *mighty flex!!*

Everything seemed fine. I could find myself, text was going good blah blah blah.

*speed bump yesterdayI (thrusday)* I noticed half through day, the text reverted back to where I have to hit the 12#key after the symbol. *grrrrr*
I didn't do any updates or install any .cabs, so I am kidna atta loss.

Tried drilling down on forums. No luck.

Any suggestions for I re-redo the 6.5 update?
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