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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

But in general Microsoft is loosing on many fronts.

WM = going down the drain
IE = Due to EU thing they already lost like 2% and it is probably gonna go up
Office=had no competition before but now open office and for live they face google
Windows=They have improved but many still use xp because they dont need new windows and if chrome comes out for free may kill it in the low end market
MSSQL=is being destroyed by Mysql which has now got Oracle behind it
Search= Google is wiping the floor with them, they did team up with yahoo on this but this also means less revenue profit for them unless they pull it off.

Only thing they are doing well on is maybe xbox now that they got over their 50% fail rates...

But the loss of windows mobile for business will most likely impact M$ Exchange..and many are starting to use Gmail sync rather. Not to mention the SyncML protocol. If Exchange dies, their Server OS will be hurt...see its all a domino effect.
All I can say is Wow. I agree that Microsoft is losing on the mobile front. It's been dying a slow death for several years.

But to say that Microsoft is losing on all those fronts is a bit of a stretch. Their bread-n-butter is the desktop and Windows 7 is doing quite well. Right now I can't see Chrome as a huge threat. Same thing was said about Linux and "the low end market" in years past. Linux is basically Free too... and yet walk into any Best Buy and see how many computers you can buy with Linux on them vs. Windows. Of course there will ALWAYS be competition and anything can happen but to say that Chrome might kill Microsoft Windows in the low end is really a stretch right now.

Now I'm not saying Microsoft can't improve in some areas. But all this doom, Microsoft is dying is a bit silly. In the Mobile arena, yes. But they are still one of the biggest forces in the tech area.

Last edited by x10guy; 03-23-2010 at 05:08 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:05 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
That is exactly the point I'm getting at.. Microsoft is did a retarded thing by telling everyone it won't be backwards compatible...in doing so Manufacturers will be less interested in releasing a dieing platform and developers would loose interest in developing for a dieing platform..from a marketing perspective I can easily estimate their sales went to half for the year just by announcing that.
stop thinking so short term. they had to do that. everything they were attempting with winmo 5, 6, 6.1, 6.5 wasnt working whatsoever. it was either go down with the sinking ship or build an entirly new one.sure they MIGHT take a hit this year but for the long run it was really thier only choice.

on another note, everyone is so up and arms about the backward comp. thing. honestly if i were to get a wp7 handset (which i doubt i will) i really wouldnt want apps designed for wm 6.1/6.5 running on it anyways. think about the apps you use most frequently, do you honestly think there wont be a wp7 equivalent?? thats just me of cousre

Last edited by redd214; 03-23-2010 at 05:10 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
All I can say is Wow. I agree that Microsoft is losing on the mobile front. It's been dying a slow death for several years.

But to say that Microsoft is losing on all those fronts is a bit of a stretch. Their bread-n-butter is the desktop and Windows 7 is doing quite well. Right now I can't see Chrome as a huge threat.

Now I'm not saying Microsoft can't improve in some areas. But all this doom, Microsoft is dying is a bit silly. In the Mobile arena, yes. But they are still one of the biggest forces in the tech area.
Actually I am looking at the big picture here...Win 7 did well you are right..but it doesn't change the fact that XP is still there:


Just like how iPhone is doing many don't need the best, they want simple..most people all they want is to check their email an internet..many people even believe mobile phones will overtake pcs in the near future...That is why netbooks are doing so well..

I mean I can run winxp on a 100$ pc as win7 requires at least 500$ for a full pc...why do people need 500$ just to check their emails when $100 is enough?

stop thinking so short term. they had to do that. everything they were attempting with winmo 5, 6, 6.1, 6.5 wasnt working whatsoever. it was either go down with the sinking ship or build an entirly new one.sure they MIGHT take a hit this year but for the long run it was really thier only choice.

on another note, everyone is so up and arms about the backward comp. thing. honestly if i were to get a wp7 handset (which i doubt i will) i really wouldnt want apps designed for wm 6.1/6.5 running on it anyways. think about the apps you use most frequently, do you honestly think there wont be a wp7 equivalent?? thats just me of cousre
I am not thinking short term I am taking account the entire picture..I understand microsft's decision to go the Apple way..but at the same time this shows that even with M$ resources they could not pull off a simple platform and functionality of a pc..Android on the other hand is pulling it off..The problem was not with wm6, the problem was M$ never stood behind their mobile platform and lost control...

I know they will release apps and people will break security and install whatever that is not my point...I am criticizing the company for releasing the no compatibility and no upgrade thing to the public..this info favors us cause we know but it hurts M$..this year will be a dead year for their mobile division.
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Last edited by gTen; 03-23-2010 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 03-23-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
think about the apps you use most frequently, do you honestly think there wont be a wp7 equivalent?? thats just me of cousre
HTC Sense 2.5

nuff sed

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
HTC Sense 2.5

nuff sed
another poor poor example, thats an interface not a program. even still what part of sense do uthink wont have a wp7 counterpart. sure it might not be what ur used to but itll be there

Last edited by redd214; 03-23-2010 at 05:30 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Actually I am looking at the big picture here...Win 7 did well you are right..but it doesn't change the fact that XP is still there:
I was mainly responding to your point that Microsoft is losing on so many fronts and specifically that "Chrome may kill Microsoft in the low end market." Other points I do agree.

That was my main point. I just thought that point your made about Chrome was a stretch...

(BTW... Microsoft still makes money with XP machines)

Last edited by x10guy; 03-23-2010 at 05:25 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I was mainly responding to your point that Microsoft is losing on so many fronts and specifically that "Chrome may kill Microsoft in the low end market." Other points I do agree.

That was my main point. I just thought that point your made about Chrome was a stretch...

(BTW... Microsoft still makes money with XP machines)
Well yeah of course..I made reference to xp to show that most people don't switch to the "newest" cause all they need are the basics..the failure of ChromeOS is they are taking too long..if they don't have it in stores by end of the year it will be very unfavorable for Google ( see I am reasonable, not just favoring Google )..but if they can release it like this summer then they can hurt M$ a lot

Now on another note..what was the last "revolutionary" thing M$ has done? (don't say Natal or those touch desks)
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:36 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

Now on another note..what was the last "revolutionary" thing M$ has done? (don't say Natal or those touch desks)
oh just create one of the richest guys ever thats all i kid, i kid. i agree with that point though
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 05:41 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
oh just create one of the richest guys ever thats all i kid, i kid. i agree with that point though
Now look at what bill gates is doing now that he isn't working at M$


Now thats innovation...
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well yeah of course..I made reference to xp to show that most people don't switch to the "newest" cause all they need are the basics..the failure of ChromeOS is they are taking too long..if they don't have it in stores by end of the year it will be very unfavorable for Google ( see I am reasonable, not just favoring Google )..but if they can release it like this summer then they can hurt M$ a lot

Now on another note..what was the last "revolutionary" thing M$ has done? (don't say Natal or those touch desks)

Just releasing Chrome OS by this summer doesn't mean that will hurt microsoft alot. There is so much that needs to be in place in order for that to happen. Right off the bat, all the hardware drivers for printers, cameras, scanners, you name it need to be ready, and also the necessary apps need to be in place... Even if ready by this summer, I still don't see Chrome a big threat to Windows right now. (again, how long has Linux been around??). I mean, who knows. You could be absolutely right and Chrome OS takes over... but I still think Windows still has legs, even in the low end market.

As for Microsoft being "revolutionary"... they have never been a company that has been revolutionary or innovative. That really has been the big knock on them for the past decade. But that certainly doesn't prevent them from making money.

Anyways, just a difference in opinion. It doesn't really matter in the scheme of things.

But in general, we both agree that Microsoft has fallen badly in the mobile arena. And I don't think they'll get it back.

Last edited by x10guy; 03-23-2010 at 06:39 PM.
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