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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 09:40 PM
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TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

is it just my phone or everyone else who flashed with metro on a TP2 and then upgraded to 6.5 rom has this issue?

everything worked fine then i upgraded to 6.5 then next thing you know i was going to make a call later on in the day and my service dont work..says welcome to american roaming network..if someone had this problem and fixed it let me know if not its ok...thanks!
Please hit if i have helped.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 07:08 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

Here is how to do this:

Upgrade your PRL file to the latest from
http://www.corolada.com/prl/ navigate to metropcs and choose file 00024.

If you dont know how to do the upgrade then here is how:

Put the file you just downloaded anywehere in the device or the storage card.

1- dial ##778#
2- Press Edit
3- Enter 000000
4- Click on viewinfo on the lower left and choose PRL
5- right click on prl upgrade file (press and hold = right click) then press edit
6- Browse for the file you just put in your mobile then finish the upgrade and reset the device.
7- make a call after the device reboot
8- you will need to redo the wap and mms

Download Dot Fred's Task Manager and goto services. Stop the CM_Guardian. Then Highlight it and find it in the registry. Once in the Registry highlight CM_Guardian and remove the complete directory.

NOTE: This file is what resets your Sprint connection to its default settings despite editing these settings. Disabling this file by deleting or replacing it is critical.

2: Then soft Reset.

3: Open your phone and enter ##778#, select "EDIT" and enter your unlock code.

4: Set the following values:

M.IP Settings:
MIP_MODE = Simple IP Only

M.IP Default Profile:
NAI = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Home Address = (just delete the values and save)
Primary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)
Secondary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

5: Goto Connections and delete any existing connections and setup a new one using the following settings:

Number to dial = #777
Username: yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: metropcs
Domain: (Leave Blank)

Select Proxy Settings and enter the following values:
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (http)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:443 (secure wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (socks)

6: Back in the "Connections" screen where you have two tabs at the bottom of the screen of "Tasks" and "Advanced", go to Advanced, click on "Select Networks" and select the name of the connection you just setup.

Example if you leave as Sprint then choose that one as your internet connection and do it for both settings.



1a: Using a registry editor goto HKLM/SOFTWARE/Arcsoft/Arcsoft MMS/UA/Config/UI

Find EnableServerEdit and change it to "1"

2: Open your Messaging and click on the SMS/MMS option.

3: Click on "Menu" and select "MMS Options" then select the "CDMA Servers" tab.

4: Add a new server with the following settings:

Server Name: metropcs
Gateway: wap.metropcs.net
Port number: 3128
Server address: http://mms.metropcs.net:3128/mmsc
Send limit: 500K

5: Click "Done" and then set the new server as default.

6: Using a Registry Editor edit the following values:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader2]

ADD STRING -> "X-metropcs-MDN"="XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number )
ADD STRING -> "X-DEVICE-MIN"="1XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number WITH the 1 in front of it )

7: Hit the thanks button! It's hard typing all this stuff. Mods may want to sticky this.

Voila! Now wasn't that so simple? If you have the touch pro it's almost the same. Just make sure you have someone to MetroFlash it that is an Authorized MetroPCS Reseller and that they know how to flash the Touch or the Touch Pro or Diamond or Mogul.... etc.

There is a final step... There is a service on the phone called CM_Guardian that is continuously resetting your connection to Sprint settings. Remove this. Sorry, meant to put that in the walkthrough. I believe To do this, set the following key in the registry:

Flags = 4 (it's a DWORD if it doesn't exist.)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

Amazingly well-detailed explanation.

Any chance you have analogous information for (a) Boost Mobile, and (b) Cricket?

Awesome write-up, and I thanked you (even though I don't have MetroPCS coverage).
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

THANKS! ill goahead and give that a try ill post back

Originally Posted by JJNA View Post
Here is how to do this:

Upgrade your PRL file to the latest from
http://www.corolada.com/prl/ navigate to metropcs and choose file 00024.

If you dont know how to do the upgrade then here is how:

Put the file you just downloaded anywehere in the device or the storage card.

1- dial ##778#
2- Press Edit
3- Enter 000000
4- Click on viewinfo on the lower left and choose PRL
5- right click on prl upgrade file (press and hold = right click) then press edit
6- Browse for the file you just put in your mobile then finish the upgrade and reset the device.
7- make a call after the device reboot
8- you will need to redo the wap and mms

Last edited by WarChild; 07-10-2010 at 09:56 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 01:27 AM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

Sweet info. Very detailed, even though I too don't have Metro.
EVO - Kingdom B1 *ED 1500 5 lines with a few discounts/perks*
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2010, 12:11 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

I just recently upgraded and I had the same issue until i updated the PRL, then I was back online with Metro
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

Ummmm ok I did EVERYTHING its flashed and all and i have internet working but its locked on the MMS server and wont allow me to add a new one or anything can you help at all <3
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

i doont know if its still going on, but i heard that metropcs halted all data and mms for flashed smartphones a few days ago... link...
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

If you already have a Metro PRL installed on your phone, dial *228 and download latest roaming rate, this will update your phone to the latest Metro PRL automatically.

Note:02004 is the latest
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: TP2 6.5 upgrade on METRO PCS flash

OK i got EVERYTHING working now and figured out mms. now onto a more important question my touch pro 2 was bought brand new never been connected to the sprint network and its flashed to metropcs every time it connects to mobile internet it gives me a pop-up saying "Device management" and that its trying to update with my network and sumthing about a profile..... now my internet keeps working and everything its just getting really annoying does anyone know a way to fix this so that it no longer pops up?
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