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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:36 PM
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Talking For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

Anyone remeber that glorious day back in 2008 when the Touch Pro was shipped to our doors? I know i do. I remember it as being the biggest flop in sprint history since dan hesse undid his belt. That device was so problematic out of the box people were up to 7 or 9 replacements by late that following spring. Can i please get a show of hands from those people who actually got a working device back from sprint? (pauses for crickets to simmer down) thats right...NONE were ever fixed. Ok now please a show of hands...how many of you updated their tp via sprints official rom update? (pauses again for the crickets)...NONE because their wasnt one until september of 09 after the release of the tp2. You all see where i am going with this? for sprint to release anything resembling a working rom update is like wiping before you poop...it dont make any sense. With the launch of windows phone 7 sprint see's no value in an update vs an upgrade. There is no charge for an update but there is a contract extension for an upgrade. I have seen the trend and can only see it continuing for the tp2. no update till after the upgrade. it's just good business sense. I for one will not fall victim to the game i have decided to give up on all windows phones from sprint and stick to android. i have 1 left if you want it...it will cost you a moment. With that being said i would love to here your take on this so feel free to comment...criticize... or congratulate. just keep it clean
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

totally agree on the tp2 stuff, the thanx is for the dan hesse pants crack and i have a moment and like it a ton better than i did the hero i had but i think i didnt give the hero enough time. still like wimo more and im close to getting a hd2 and leaving sprint. love the post though.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

I had a working TP for a while, then i traveled to another state and i lost all my settings (data etc) so i dont know if it was a Sprint error or a phone error. I have had several TP replacements (lost track after 5) , all for "cosmetic" stuff, like the dpad came detached, battery compartment was too big to hold a battery..etc. but i did have one that was software, but i think that was because it was the actual updated rom from Sprint. I do agree with you on the part of Android, its the place to be.
Now the question is how much of this is HTC vs Sprint. I love HTC, their stuff works, looks nothing like the competition and they are "small" enough that i feel like one of the cool kids owning their devices. But I wonder how much sway Sprint has when it comes to updates.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:49 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
Anyone remeber that glorious day back in 2008 when the Touch Pro was shipped to our doors? I know i do. I remember it as being the biggest flop in sprint history since dan hesse undid his belt. That device was so problematic out of the box people were up to 7 or 9 replacements by late that following spring. Can i please get a show of hands from those people who actually got a working device back from sprint? (pauses for crickets to simmer down) thats right...NONE were ever fixed. Ok now please a show of hands...how many of you updated their tp via sprints official rom update? (pauses again for the crickets)...NONE because their wasnt one until september of 09 after the release of the tp2. You all see where i am going with this? for sprint to release anything resembling a working rom update is like wiping before you poop...it dont make any sense. With the launch of windows phone 7 sprint see's no value in an update vs an upgrade. There is no charge for an update but there is a contract extension for an upgrade. I have seen the trend and can only see it continuing for the tp2. no update till after the upgrade. it's just good business sense. I for one will not fall victim to the game i have decided to give up on all windows phones from sprint and stick to android. i have 1 left if you want it...it will cost you a moment. With that being said i would love to here your take on this so feel free to comment...criticize... or congratulate. just keep it clean
you know Juggs after you put it like that it kinda makes sense i never looked at it that way. android is kinda nice looking i dont know if i can make the big switch though.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

I remember cashing in my upgrade on the TP, I loved that thing. I didnt have as many problems with it as everyone else though.

I love WM like a mother loves a child, but the Supersonic looks mighty fine... I may just crossover to android when it drops...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:08 PM
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Wirelessly posted (TP2 or BlackBerry: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

sprint had to replace my nib tp with another 1 day after i got it! i had 9 toal, thankful, i got a free tp2 for my troubles!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

You guys have the worst luck ever... i remember how many peeps were complaining of having to return theirs a bunch of times. My original tp still works and it was better than my previous winmo phone before that. I had another one too and the only problem with that one was that the screen was a bit tinted, which plagues many winmo htc phones. The tp2 blows the tp out of the water with its giant screen and spread out keyboard, so once again i'm experiencing an improvement. Android is cool too, but for what was available in 2009 in the US for winmo, you can't beat the tp2. How about we go back a year before the tp and remember the Mogul with like 2mb of RAM and qvga display???

Who cares that the tp update was late... that was updating wm6.1 to another wm6.1. Hardly anyone would notice a difference. The update for the tp2 is making a big change to 6.5 and it has to be done to keep up with the other touch pro2s on other carriers out there. It will be here soon enough too... sprint actually put a date on it on shipped marketing material and even made a statement.

Everyone needs to calm down. Sprint also said they're focusing on WP7, so we probably won't see anything for WinMo from them until the end of the year. This sounds good to me because i bet we'll have something hot at launch. And obviously there's the supersonic (android) - if they can manage to release that early q3, then faith in sprint will be restored.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 03-12-2010 at 04:13 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

ahh I remember getting mine.. replacement for my mogul.. opened it up and was like wow.... man I was so wrong.. in a week the screen melted ( and I got the phone about 2 weeks before release to tele sales and public) then keyboard after keyboard failure.... by the time the touch pro 2 came out I had gone through 10 tp1's. I hated that phone. Finally got my free touch pro 2.. sold my tp1 on ebay for 200 lol was shocked someone wanted it.... never unlocked it didn't want to.... glad its gone... tp2 I love you!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

What more proof do you guys need? It's plastered on a pamphlet that the update is arriving in "march", sprint moderators have noted about it... Theres plenty of rumors regarding the update.

The update is coming! Just sit back and relax.
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Old 03-12-2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: For those of you old enough to remember the Touch Pro...Lets reflect shall we?

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
What more proof do you guys need? It's plastered on a pamphlet that the update is arriving in "march", sprint moderators have noted about it... Theres plenty of rumors regarding the update.

The update is coming! Just sit back and relax.
haha, can you imagine the rioting that will go on if sprint misses their own deadline for this? Especially here on ppcg with all these 6.5 threads opened every few days...
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