If you are like me, you hate the "Sent from my bla bla phone" default signature that gets put at the bottom of your emails.
I put together this cab to install a program that reads a registry value and sets your signature on first boot.
To use it, set the following registry entries during the UC process:
XML Version:
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\MobilityDojo.net\DojoSig">
<parm name="Signature" value="Your Name" datatype="string" />
<parm name="UseReplyForward" value="1" datatype="integer" />
<parm name="UseSignature" value="1" datatype="integer" />
Registry Version:
"Signature"="Your Name"
Detailed info- All credit for the code goes to mobilitydojo.net
- The icon will show after a reboot
- There is detail on how it works here: Thread
- This program requires that you have MortScript installed (most ROMS do)
- You can technicall set the registry and run the program any time to have a random signature