Originally Posted by Glabwog
Does anyone know how to change/modify/update the preloaded ROM sounds for the HTC Touch Pro 2?
I would like to have the custom sounds I want when my phone is turned on, off, etc. that are not standard events.
I would also like to edit the slider sounds for the keyboard to what I want as well.
All these particular sound files are under the window directory for the device and are ROM files that will not permit me to easily change them.
Any ideas?
Okay I have done this a few times on my first TP so bare with me as I try to remember. First your going to need Total Commander. And on your pc you will need a music converter to convert the sounds to a wav file. If the shortcuts I will mention did not work. There are free converters I just dont remember what they are called. But anyways.
Say you have a sound that you recorded from your phone and its saved to your sd card and its called mysound.mp3. You can try this and see if this shortcut works but if not then you will have to do it the long way. The shortcut is to use Total Commander and navigate to where mysound.mp3 is and then rename it. Back up first. What I would do is copy it and paste it somewhere else like for example if its in my sounds by default then copy and paste it to my ringtones or something. Then in Total Commander you just go to which ever one you want and then rename mysound.mp3 to startup.wav and then copy and paste the startup.wav into the windows directory directly. Also it could be startup.xwav so if .wav doesnt work then try .xwav. Do not put it into any folders or anything. Just copy and paste it right into the windows directory. If it says one already exist..then overwrite it. Assuming that you have the start up sound enabled. Just soft reset and see if that changes the sound. If not then here is the long way. You have to get mysound.mp3 onto your computer to convert it to a wav with the free converter you found and then convert it to a wav and THEN name it startup.wav or startup.xwav Then put it back onto your sd card or phone and then repeat the previous steps mentioned. Total Commander and navigate to where the converted file is and then just make sure it is startup.wav or startup.xwav and then just copy it to the windows directory. Same thing for the shutdown. Whatever sound you want for the shutdown has to be named shutdown.wav or its shutdown.xwav not sure which and then copy it to the windows directory. As far as the sliding sounds for your phone it is the same thing EXCEPT that you need to have 2 sounds. A sliding up sound and a sliding down sound. Renaming your sound too is different. If there are sliding sounds that you want to keep I suggest finding out which sounds are which to know which one to keep. Example if you have 4 sliding sounds and you like all of them then you have to choose which one to replace. Each sliding sound has 2 sounds to them. in and out. So say you decide to change sound number 3. Same thing....lets say you have mysound.mp3 AND mysound2.mp3. Two sounds. In Total Commander (shortcut) (might not work) But in total commander your going to change mysound.mp3 to 3_in.xwav and mysound2.mp3 to 3_out.xwav or vice versa. Which ever sound you want when you slide up is "IN" and whichever sound you want to slide down is "OUT". Then just copy and past them in the windows directory and overwrite the previous one. If you want to know what sounds are what number then you need a regedit and navigate to HKLM-Software-HTC-Sliding sounds and there you will find numbers 0-? and each number has the sound name so you know which is which. I know its long but I tried to simplify it for you as much as possible. If the shortcuts dont work...that is because the phone didnt recognize the name you changed them to so you have to convert them to actual wav files and then change the name so you arent just changing the name to go around having to convert. They are actually converted and are actually wav files and your just changing the name versus trying to change a mp3 into a wav by just changing the name. If that make sense. Like I said I have not done that in a while but to the best of my memory that is how it is done. Let me know if that works for you.