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Old 02-22-2010, 03:54 PM
b194331's Avatar
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Exclamation Normal for my hex key to have a 0x00

So without mobile files. I am hoping someone here can answer my question. I need my aaa shared secret password. So I used QXDM to read my hex key in nv browser item 01192. The strange thing is that about halfway threw the 32 digit hex key, I get a 00. Is this normal? Because every time I try to write it with qpst, only half of the 32 hex key is written. It cuts off right where it has the 0x00 key in the middle. I thought that the 32 key would not have any 0. Is that right? If so, how can I fix this.

Please if anyone can help, PM me or respond. I really need help.
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