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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2010, 01:12 AM
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Question My phone keeps randomly shutting off. No lie. Why!?

Hello All. I was running Mightys Rom (whatever one before the 2/10 release) and I would press the Power Button to shut the screen off. I did this ALL THE TIME and NEVER had it shut off on me. Now, on Mightys 2/10 ROM it does it just when I press it (not hold it, trust me). So I decided to switch to Energyz 2/16 ROM..........Same...thing. Wtf!!! It's extremely annoying since I made it a habit of myself to due to conserve battery power and now its shutting my phone off and I never know. Does anyone know why or if I can change it so maybe I have to hold the power button down for a long time??
Evo 4G
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2010, 02:23 AM
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Re: My phone keeps randomly shutting off. No lie. Why!?

Originally Posted by TheLovatScout View Post
Hello All. I was running Mightys Rom (whatever one before the 2/10 release) and I would press the Power Button to shut the screen off. I did this ALL THE TIME and NEVER had it shut off on me. Now, on Mightys 2/10 ROM it does it just when I press it (not hold it, trust me). So I decided to switch to Energyz 2/16 ROM..........Same...thing. Wtf!!! It's extremely annoying since I made it a habit of myself to due to conserve battery power and now its shutting my phone off and I never know. Does anyone know why or if I can change it so maybe I have to hold the power button down for a long time??
It sounds like this is your problem. You should search first.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2010, 07:00 AM
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Re: My phone keeps randomly shutting off. No lie. Why!?

I'm on a stock Sprint ROM with a lot of hacks, etc., and my phone ends up on all kinds of crazy screens after being in my holster, even when I use the Lock feature. It goes unlocked, and comes out of the holster many levels into obscure screens. It's really ticking me off. Why is the Lock unlocking? Sometimes I want to smash this thing and go back to the Mogul.....
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

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