Re: answer lag
I have had that same problem too. It is really annoying and makes me want to throw my phone out the window. But one thing i have learned from messing around with this phone is that you have to hard reset at least once a month to keep it up to far. I just use the "microsoft my phone" to back things up then reinstall them. I also use the cleanram cab and d3d enhancer and iphonespeed cab to speed things up. This phone will always lag i think no matter what but i use those daily and its not to bad compared to how this phone runs with all the random junk on it. I also run as many programs as I can on my storage card. Idk if that really helps or not, depends on who you talk to, but it seems to help a bit.
Re: answer lag
check the registry hacks sticky. I found a hack for end call time, which makes the phone hang up faster rather than waiting 3 seconds before disconnect. There may be a setting where you can adjust answer time.
Re: answer lag
Run this registry script.
This script may be registry editor dependent. But you should end up with a multiline string containing "#777" for SuspendResume Also note this works on Sprint and *I think* it works on us cellular. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings] "CacheTime"=dword:0000003c "SuspendResume"=hex(7):23,00,37,00,37,00,37,00,00, 00,00,00
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
Re: answer lag
Mine did that. Turns out it was running too many programs in the background, specifically Opera. Always make sure you exit out completely when you are done with programs. Do this by clicking in the top right of the screen and closing out all programs. Worked for me.
Re: answer lag
mine did that if ur running that "60s data disconnect" cab u need 2 uninstall it. or edit ur registry accordingly. fixed my joint right up.
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Re: answer lag
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