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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 11:13 PM
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Re: Sense 2.5.2011: Changes and Observations

Originally Posted by Westfire View Post
I haven't upgraded yet and just got my TP2 yesterday but the only weather lag I have is the sunny one and that really only happens in the weather demo on the home page. Is more seamless?

Also, I see the Footprint and Documents tabs were removed. Footprints never worked anyway right? Also, is the Documents tab just a more visual File Explorer or what does it do?

Thanks in advance!
Documents only works with pdf files with my experience. It is just more visual with them. I found that it lagged up my system a lot. It also takes up more battery life and sometimes it froze my phone up all together. I am glad it is gone until it is fixed.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5.2011: Changes and Observations

Wow -- deleting emails from sense makes me very happy!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 01:50 AM
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Re: Sense 2.5.2011: Changes and Observations

I'd still like to know the answer to my earlier post to this guy.
If what I read is true, then maybe Sprint has a 2.1 or 2.5 rom ready.
Which would also mean the end of Sprint users headaches with MMS.
I'm on Verizon and don't have an issue, but for others this could be an interesting question to have answered.
Originally Posted by Westfire
I haven't upgraded yet and just got my TP2 yesterday but the only weather lag I have is the sunny one and that really only happens in the weather demo on the home page. Is more seamless?

Also, I see the Footprint and Documents tabs were removed. Footprints never worked anyway right? Also, is the Documents tab just a more visual File Explorer or what does it do?

Thanks in advance!
Response from ME:
You just got your TP2 yesterday and haven't upgraded.
But you have weather on your home page????
Did Sprint give you a TP2 with 6.5 on it??

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