Re: Puk????
Had to check my box. In the global Support Pak in the box from VZW comes the card with the knock out and with the PUK on it.
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...1&d=1265130771 |
Re: Puk????
Re: Puk????
You may need to call again and ask for World Phone support or something like that... I would imagine the general tech support ppl have no clue how to work with SIM cards... You may also have some luck if you take it to your nearest Sprint repair center.
Re: Puk????
op, are you locked out of the phone? if not why do you need this code so bad? the sim unlock from cmonex/olinex with the flashed radio will make your phone work on the us gsm networks. if your going to use the phone abroad, it shouldnt need this puk code anyway. maybe im just confused or didnt read all your posts well enough. but if your just learning what the difference between cdma and gsm you prolly shouldnt be jackin with this any way.
Re: Puk????
Re: Puk????
So this important code is on the card the SIM card came out of? What if my SIM came out of the display Blackberry Tour at the Sprint store? haha