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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2010, 11:55 PM
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Re: Charger issues

Originally Posted by FP5241 View Post
My home PC charges with the usb but all the office pc's won't charge... At first I thought maybe there's some kind of restriction preventing it or something.. :/
i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure all usb is 5volt it's just the amperage that would change i assume. so a restriction on amps would kinda make sense.

Originally Posted by clueless25 View Post
um. I noticed if my laptop is NOT plugged in at the same time.. the laptop will use the phones power... If my laptop is plugged in phone charges.. maybe this will be usedful in tracking down your issues
your laptop can use your phones power? you sure about that?
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Old 01-28-2010, 12:23 AM
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Re: Charger issues

has anyone noticed that the HTC propriatory mini cable/port have a slightly different shape? Instead of the typical shape of the mini port, one side is square which would limit it's use to an HTC product, wondering if something else is a bit different with this plug arrangement!? I have used a couple old Motorola chargers from previous phones and while they do charge the TP2, they don't charge it to 100%
Also make sure you are using a powered USB port! Many comps have both powered AND unpowered USB ports.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: Charger issues

Originally Posted by jokout View Post
has anyone noticed that the HTC propriatory mini cable/port have a slightly different shape? Instead of the typical shape of the mini port, one side is square which would limit it's use to an HTC product, wondering if something else is a bit different with this plug arrangement!? I have used a couple old Motorola chargers from previous phones and while they do charge the TP2, they don't charge it to 100%
Also make sure you are using a powered USB port! Many comps have both powered AND unpowered USB ports.

its called mini usb-ext.... its an htc thing. huge, ginormous description of it on wikipedia. all regular cables still work with the port though...

as for the charging issues. go to your battery options, there is a checkbox for "when the device is turned on, do not charge the battery when connected to the PC"

is that checked for you? might be as simple as that? i doubt it but hey sometimes its the simple things...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Charger issues

Phew, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one having this problem....thank you all for your replies

Originally Posted by mc_365 View Post
I have the same problem with charging from my office PC's USB.

What I don't understand is this behavior began after updating to 6.5 rom on vzw.

I've found through trials that if I turn the phone off completely and plug it in then it will build some charge in the battery.

So if battery is realy low and your in your office anyway, forward your calls to your desk for an hour, turn your phone off and you will be back to like 40 - 50% charge.

That is interesting, about the WM6.5...I think I might try to flash a stock rom and see if I get any different results. (tho I'm not sure I can go back to stock and enjoy it just for charging sake). Thanks for the suggestion.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: Charger issues

I've never used MightyRom so I can't say for sure if it has the same setting available,but in the stock Verizon WM 6.5 there is a setting under Settings>all settings> System>Power that says "when device is turned on,do not charge the battery when connected to the PC". You might cueck to see if that is checked.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 12:22 PM
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Re: Charger issues

Thanks, I hadn't thought to look at that setting, but when I did I found that it was not checked.

Also another interesting development....I took my Stock/OEM charger to work with me today with the intentions of plugging into the wall. Decided to take the brick off and plug the USB into my office PC (same port as with the non-OEM mini USB) and it charged without issue(!)

I'm starting to think that the issue is with the mini USB (non-HTC mini usb-ext) cords. While I have several here of different manufacture and purpose, none of them seem to charge either from the PC or with the OEM brick. I don't have another htc usb-ext cord to try at the moment....but this is interesting.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: Charger issues

Here's some more info...

I bought my USC/Tp2 on black Friday, and the salesman gave me an "A53" tip for my car charger versus the "A32" tip I had used for my Razr...both are mini-usb tips, but the sales guy said the Tp2 required the A53 or else it could be damaged. He was very insistent on using the different tip, and he's owned 3+ Touch Pros and was waiting on his Tp2 to arrive, so I figured he was *somewhat* knowledgable about the HTC stuff.

What concerns me, though, is I forgot my charger(s) on a trip a couple weeks ago, and stopped at BestBuy, and they sold me a couple mini-USB chargers...is there really a compatibility difference between the HTC and standard mini-USB tips/chargers?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: Charger issues

I had a similar issue with USB charging shortly after flashing to 6.5 as well. Not only was my battery life much shorter, but plugging USB into my laptop also drained the battery rather than charged it (and it worked fine before the flash).

I have 2 different cables, the one that came with the phone, and an aftermarket one (originally sold for use with a Blackberry). Both had the same issue. Didn't matter if laptop was plugged to power or not. Charged fine if the phone was turned off.

Someone had suggested in another thread that flashing the phone without a fully charged battery could have caused the battery drain. This could have been the case with me. All I know is that after I let my battery drain to the point where the phone shut off, then charged it fully before I used it again, battery life is back to normal. So is the ability to charge via USB.

I have also turned off the bluetooth. I haven't tested it yet, turning it back on to see if things change, but I will do that today and report back if it seemed to make a difference.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: Charger issues

Originally Posted by chevy454 View Post
I bought my USC/Tp2 on black Friday, and the salesman gave me an "A53" tip for my car charger versus the "A32" tip I had used for my Razr...both are mini-usb tips, but the sales guy said the Tp2 required the A53 or else it could be damaged.
Thank you for the information....I did some searching and found out that my Garmin uses A53 mini usb and tried to charge my phone with the Garmin car charger. This is the only non-OEM mini usb cord that has actually charged my phone! =D>

While it looks like this doesn't affect every TP2 out there....hopefully this information can help anyone experiencing the same frustration as me...
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