Phew, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one having this problem....thank you all for your replies
Originally Posted by mc_365
I have the same problem with charging from my office PC's USB.
What I don't understand is this behavior began after updating to 6.5 rom on vzw.
I've found through trials that if I turn the phone off completely and plug it in then it will build some charge in the battery.
So if battery is realy low and your in your office anyway, forward your calls to your desk for an hour, turn your phone off and you will be back to like 40 - 50% charge.
That is interesting, about the WM6.5...I think I might try to flash a stock rom and see if I get any different results. (tho I'm not sure I can go back to stock and enjoy it just for charging sake). Thanks for the suggestion.