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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:29 PM
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Exclamation What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Im getting confused, especially with all the different cookings going on, plus now there are 2 flavors of "stock" roms for Sprint and Vzw.

When I am asking a problem with the newest stock 6.5 vzw rom, am I hunting for "Sense" or "TF3d" help? or are they interchangeable terms?

I Surely appreciate the clarification.


Nobody has figured out how to make Sense or TF3d use the old contacts (so we can sort by company) on the phone yet have they? disableing sense isnt the answer for me either... Did one of the Cooks make this work this way?

Im 70% about business on the phone, so I dont really need my contacts to be linked to Facebook, as much as I need to be able to sort people (for looking them up reasons) when making calls. with 300+ contacts I seldom know the name of the genius I need to ask a question of, but I usually know what company he/she works for!

Please help me figure out a good fix for this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

tf3d is the old version. What you would search for is sense 2.1, this is stable and works on the tp2. If you're willing to try sense 2.5 it will give added features but it dramatically takes up more ram and is slower then 2.1, but the added features maybe worth it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

p-slim. Since I would be willing to try 2.5, but that means a flashing with a rom right? Not sure Im up to speed on the Pro2 flashing yet, but probably could in a few hours of searching and reading stickies, which you like best?
(or if I am wrong and cab/update exist for sense2.5) lemme know?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:46 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

I use the old contacts on Sense 2.1...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Originally Posted by Sting32 View Post
p-slim. Since I would be willing to try 2.5, but that means a flashing with a rom right? Not sure Im up to speed on the Pro2 flashing yet, but probably could in a few hours of searching and reading stickies, which you like best?
(or if I am wrong and cab/update exist for sense2.5) lemme know?

you are correct. you would have to search this forum for the actual rom you want, but to get sense 2.5 you would have to flash a new rom. I personally would recommend calkulins rom or mighty mikes sense 2.5 rom. Calkulin has a kitchen thread and a rom thread. The kitchen thread is for advanced users who create their own rom, but he also has a rom thread where he already created the rom and all you have to do is load it. unlock your phone here to flash custom roms.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
I use the old contacts on Sense 2.1...
Jeez Freeza, do I have to personally come over and ask "how"?
This wasnt a poll question lol.

sure I can goto start, find the contacts in there, but it would be better if it was just hit the dialing/phone key, hit contacts at the bottom pick my company then the person and dial, IMHO.

Ill live but I think there has to be a way easier than the start button, find the button and go from there.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 01:02 AM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Originally Posted by Sting32 View Post
Jeez Freeza, do I have to personally come over and ask "how"?
This wasnt a poll question lol.

sure I can goto start, find the contacts in there, but it would be better if it was just hit the dialing/phone key, hit contacts at the bottom pick my company then the person and dial, IMHO.

Ill live but I think there has to be a way easier than the start button, find the button and go from there.
LOL, I don't use it from the dialer, I just have "Contacts" set to the right soft-key on Sense 2.1 Home tab. I don't know if there's a way to use the old contacts from the dialer :-p
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Freeza, thanks, did you edit the registry or just do that from settings? I thought about I could make it "my button" possibly. Right now Im looking for the clear the push items from opera stuff.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Originally Posted by Sting32 View Post
Freeza, thanks, did you edit the registry or just do that from settings? I thought about I could make it "my button" possibly. Right now Im looking for the clear the push items from opera stuff.
read this thread, it will free up so much ram for you. 1 disables push internet and the other is a proxy setting.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: What is the consensus on terms? TF3d or Sense?

Originally Posted by Sting32 View Post

Nobody has figured out how to make Sense or TF3d use the old contacts (so we can sort by company) on the phone yet have they? disableing sense isnt the answer for me either... Did one of the Cooks make this work this way?

Im 70% about business on the phone, so I dont really need my contacts to be linked to Facebook, as much as I need to be able to sort people (for looking them up reasons) when making calls. with 300+ contacts I seldom know the name of the genius I need to ask a question of, but I usually know what company he/she works for!

Please help me figure out a good fix for this.
Try this cab. Don't remember where I got it from but it may solve your problem. It has a company option, but I have never used it nor do any of my contacts have a company listed to test it.

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