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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 04:09 PM
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Re: Need file locker

hey what is the best file locker for xp?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 05:40 PM
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Re: Need file locker

Don't know if this will fulfill all that you are looking for but recently I was looking for a program that I could just take a folder and what ever it had in it and make it password protected but then once I got in it after that, everything in it was free and easy to work with just as it is in a regular folder.

In my research I found out about what you mean about the encryption programs too.

I mean they work very well but essentially alone or even if they are touted as doing a whole folder basically what they then do is go to every file in that folder an encrypt them individually, which one, if there are a lot of files or it is made up of large files, can take a really really long time but two, then after, when you want open each one, if it is encrypted, you then have enter the pass word for each, which along with that being a PITA as well then typically un-encrypts the file so it can be read, to which then you have to go through a re-encryption process every time if you want it password protected again.

At any rate this was not what I was looking for so after much research what I found a program called SecuBox : http://www.aikosolutions.com/product...for-pocket-pc/

What basically this program does is it allows you to create a password protected image file which when mounted looks and acts like a second storage card in the windows explorer tree.

Then what you can do is place any file in that folder you want and once un-mounted, is essentially hidden and not accessible until you mount the image file again, which is where you have to enter a password to do.

Once that file is mounted though it acts and is recognized by any program just like as if it were any other folder in explorer. And as a root folder too so it doesn’t even act like a file that is on a SD card which some programs don’t like, even if the actual image file is on the SD card.

One of the biggest things I really like about it though is what you can do is set it up kind like your sleep program to un-mount the image file in a give amount of time.

In other words if you don’t access anything in that folder for several time options of say 1 minute to 1 hour, the file will automatic un-mount and then it will need a PW to be mounted again.

Basically this really makes sure that even if you forget, that at some point, any and all of the files you have been working with will automatically be re-password protected again without you having to do a thing.

And of course as well, since the image file is a lone file, it can be backed up or copied and then even after a hard reset and the main program reinstall, can and will be will be recognized with its password and mounted without a problem.

There are several other things in it that I felt really put it over a .zip program but I don’t want to make this to long but suffice to say I really like this program and it works very well on my device.

The only thing I did't like about it was the price as at $39.95 its pretty expensive especially for Pocket PC standards but if you really want to be sure your stuff is protected and at minimal hassles but with maximum workability, I wasn’t able to find any better solutions.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by WBFAir; 01-20-2010 at 05:53 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 06:15 PM
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Re: Need file locker

Here is something similar to the post above, but it is free

www DOT freeotfe DOT org (sry, can't post urls due to low post count)

As far as I can tell, it looks like a TrueCrypt type program, although
TrueCrypt doesn't have a pda version.
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