AT&T mms settings on unlocked verizon tp2 help
I am having great difficulty in setting up MMS settings for AT&T on an unlocked TP2 from Verizon.
I was able to get the unlock code from verizon and the phone is now unlocked with the newest wm 6.5 rom that was released a few weeks ago.
I have been able to set up the data settings for ATT and can get data and internet but only on Edge(I know 3g for ATT doesnt work on it)
The problem is that I cannot edit the mms settings. It is currently locked and does not allow you to edit or create a new setting.
I do not know how to do a registry edit so cannot do that unless someone showed me the program and how to do it.
I could not get the arcsoft cab file to work in order to try to adjust the mms settings.
any help on getting mms settings for att to work on verizon touch pro 2?