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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I'm waiting..no flashing here....I don't want to run into problems...and don't tell me there arn't any...just look at half the post in this forum...It supports my case...
LOL, you sound scared to death. Just flash a stable ROM and see if you like it. If not, flash back to stock and call it a day. Don't base your opinion of the negative posts what some noobs have experienced, because there are MORE people who have zero issues and are satisfied with customs.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Mighty ROM is great. I don't see the stock ROM being any more stable. Like a lot of people, I was kinda skeptical of flashing, but the version dated 1/13/09 is fantastic. Extremely stable and has everything I would need.

If it's any consolation, I am a girl. A very busy girl who doesn't have time to tweak and work on troubleshooting problems all the time. This was extremely painless. Took just a couple more minutes more than when I originally set up my phone.

I persoally LOVE the My Location and weather on the home screen....living in a small town, my town is not listed in the weather database, but the My Location feature makes that point moot.

Now, if you plan on going with that Leo and HD2 ported stuff (of the cutting edge revs of everything) expect problems.

Mighty ROM's Sense 2.1/WM 6.5 version is not that. It is stable and simple.


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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 11:07 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Fear isn't the only reason not to flash. Personally, I want the stock ROM because it is signed and works with the Zune Pass subscriptions. Don't think that everyone who doesn't flash is a big chicken. There are valid reasons, accept them.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

I have the stock rom only cause i do not feel like spending the time to find a good one to work with mobile shell.I run mobile shell now for over a week and i Love It! i guess i could run a rom that supports MS but again why? i like how i got it setup ATM.

Does mobile shell run better on stock or a cooked ROM?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 11:43 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Originally Posted by rdcrds View Post
I have the stock rom only cause i do not feel like spending the time to find a good one to work with mobile shell.I run mobile shell now for over a week and i Love It! i guess i could run a rom that supports MS but again why? i like how i got it setup ATM.

Does mobile shell run better on stock or a cooked ROM?
I find that mobile shell runs better on a 6.5 ROM which is (for Sprint) a cooked ROM for now. Indagroove's titanium only ROM is good for mobile shell. Also, it's easy to make a titanium only with Calkulin's kitchen (what I am running now). The one thing I like with mobile shell and a cooked ROM right now is I'm using the X2 task manager and it shows on the main page of mobile shell, unaffected like the HTC task manager is.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I'm waiting..no flashing here....I don't want to run into problems...and don't tell me there arn't any...just look at half the post in this forum...It supports my case...
Not flashing either. I think messing with the various ROMs would be fun if I didn't need my phone to "just work". I don't have the time to mess with loading apps and syncing a gazillion times.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Originally Posted by otterit View Post
Not flashing either. I think messing with the various ROMs would be fun if I didn't need my phone to "just work". I don't have the time to mess with loading apps and syncing a gazillion times.
umm i don't sync a gazillion times and trust me my phone works. Me missing one call because my phone was freezing up or something would anger me to no end.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

Dude I just called sprint and Advanced Tech support says they have an email that says the 6.5 ROM will be available to sprint customers the end of January beginning of February. I'll wait for the Official Version!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

TP2 was on the software page, even as recently as last week and since the device launched. I think they had a link to download ActiveSync there just as a couple of the Palm devices do that use WM. As far as the stock ROM and custom ROM stuff goes (the direction, it seems, that this thread has gone), to each his (or her) own. I run custom ROM's all the time and there are three of my employees that are required to run and critique them, constantly, because I hire ROM writers to produce carrier approved custom ROM's that has our third party software embedded in them. MR 6.5/2.1 is a good stable choice for a custom ROM for somebody who is new with custom ROM's. I do, however, run the Custom Rom's on a seperate device than my every day device and tend to leave the every day one alone with the stock. I have been running custom ROM's since the days when I was tethering an iPAQ and been through most of them, here, in the three years I've been a member. These ladies and gentlemen are extremely talented and conscientious. Apathy and ego are turn-off qualities for a ROM writer to have and these folks, in general, are a great display of empathy and humility. To me, it's amazing how they keep their tongues, sometimes. Just my two cents. Don't post often because no time and I think this is the first time I've ever started a thread. I just thought it was in interesting observation to share!

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: TP2 Doesn't Show Up In Sprint Updates

don't feel bad livejazz, i'm waiting for the official too. to all those doing the custom thing, good for you. no need to thread-jack.
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