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Old 01-13-2010, 01:12 PM
boldaslove's Avatar
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Pocket PC: Touch Pro 2 (Sprint)
Carrier: Rogers (GSM)
Location: ON, Canada
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About to get TP2 unlocked, couple quick questions

Noob question: I am in Canada using Rogers GSM, currently with a Treo 650 + SIM card. I am about to buy a Sprint unlocked Touch Pro 2 (the GSM is unlocked on the phone). It's as simple as popping my SIM card in like any other GSM phone and that's it, yes??

Also, I found this on a site selling Touch Pro 2 unlocked:"*Cell phones which are marked as unlocked ( being international phones ) are not capable of working on the internet. They are not enabled to browse the internet and will not be able to access it."
^^^ Can someone tell me if this means Wi-Fi does not work, or 3G (data plan with carrier) does not work? I have no intention of getting a data plan so the 3G is irrelevant to me, I would only be using Wi-Fi here and there.

Thanks for any help
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