HTC WifiRouter / EyeFi card / Tracking progress
Ok, so I switched from wmwifirouter to htc wifi router, which allows me to connect to the internet on my phone without closing the router application however I lost the real time bandwidth usage that I used to verify the eyefi card was uploading successfully, or in the process of.
During the upload from the eyefi card I can see from doing a continuous ping that latency increases from 100 to 700ms, and most web pages time out, but as soon as the upload is done I can surf the net again.
EyeFi has a mobile manager for the I-Phone but I don't think they do for Windows Mobile. I can go to the website after the images are uploaded and verify which ones made it, but not real time so far.
Anyone know a free util that shows me either carrier network or wifi network bandwidth usage real time?