Originally Posted by ChrisH09
Program's that Sprint decided we needed is what's taking up all that memory. There also seems to be memory leaks...
Opera Mobile - Push Pages = 10-15mb..always on
Programs that are on the phone that we don't really care to use (Music Store, NFL Network) and more...they eat up tons of space...My phone sits around 60-70%...which is about 60-50mb left...HTC says this phone will run stable with out 5mb of memory...I don't want to push it but they say it will. I just wish there was ways of getting rid of some of that unneeded stuff via add/remove programs on the phone.
hey try this youll be very happy with this go see your ram before and after it should be around 105-117..and you'll see the improvement big time...if i helped please thank me...and update post with any improvements or issues