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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:40 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by ChristopherJLee View Post
Thank you for all the comments, I wanted to see how far this thread could go. The intention of the $1000 was simply to get people's attention. There are at a minimum 10 different people developing ROM's for the touch pro 2 using WM6, WM6.5, and Android, for free. These developers do a great job and make the kind of necessary enhancements that should have been included.

Someone mentioned above syncing mp3's with itunes, while that is a handy feature, not what i was looking for. It's the applications that set,the iphone apart, and the fact that you can modify the menus on your computer.

Using the ipod touch tethered to your tp2 doesnt' work that well. The location based services work off of the nearest hotspot and a cellular phone doesn't broadcast the correct location. Tried this method for months but finally got fed up with it. Carrying my blackberry curve, tp2 and ipod touch wasn't as user friendly as you might think.

How about an iphone emulator that downscales the resolution of the touch pro 2 to iphone resolution? Surely using the apple SDK that would be possible. All I want is the apps.
They are not "Developing" ROM's they are borrowing pieces from MicroSoft and other GSM phones that are ahead of CDMA phones and cobbling together ROMs. BlueTooth from this phone, VideoDriver from another. And a few home grown tools like battery meters and some eye candy. Even WITH SOURCE for Android, it is a ton of work getting it ported over for almost identical architecture. And it is drivers that cause most the the issues. You are dreaming. You probably could not get it for a $100K. And if you did it would run like a pig because iPhones run much faster processors.

If you want to stay on CDMA get a stupid iPod touch, it does 90% of what an iPhone does and you can tether it to your CDMA phone and use it anywhere.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
  #62 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

I'm disappointed that you guys can't put your fanboy attitudes aside for a few minutes to understand the point of this thread.

The OP isn't asking for solutions like getting an iPod, he wants the OS ported to his phone. Kinda like how we have Android for the TP2.

You don't see people in the Android port thread bitching at everyone to get an Android device...
  #63 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:28 AM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post
I'm disappointed that you guys can't put your fanboy attitudes aside for a few minutes to understand the point of this thread.

The OP isn't asking for solutions like getting an iPod, he wants the OS ported to his phone. Kinda like how we have Android for the TP2.

You don't see people in the Android port thread bitching at everyone to get an Android device...
Android is open source, which is why it's possible to port it over. If the iPhone OS were open source, I wouldn't care, and would even encourage such a task

This is basically a thread discussing something that is pretty much impossible. I say pretty much, because it is possible, you just need Steve Jobs to hand over the source code
  #64 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by ChristopherJLee View Post
How about an iphone emulator that downscales the resolution of the touch pro 2 to iphone resolution? Surely using the apple SDK that would be possible. All I want is the apps.
Even if that were possible (which it's not without the source), you would run into tons of problems because the Touch Pro2 runs at a resolution HIGHER than that of the iPhone. Not to mention you'd be emulating a powerful device on a weaker one. It'd be like trying to emulate the 360 on an original Xbox
  #65 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:30 AM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by rorytmeadows View Post
Why don't you just take a shortcut and marry a dude?
I took a shortcut and add you to my ignore list.
  #66 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 12:33 AM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by rorytmeadows View Post
Why don't you just take a shortcut and marry a dude?
Because it's not legal in Texas. Besides, I haven't found the right man yet...

Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk View Post
Android is open source, which is why it's possible to port it over. If the iPhone OS were open source, I wouldn't care, and would even encourage such a task

This is basically a thread discussing something that is pretty much impossible. I say pretty much, because it is possible, you just need Steve Jobs to hand over the source code
There are enough dumps of iPhone to compile something reasonable. But as said before, it will take LOTS of work. Probably not the best analogy I could've used.

Anywho, since it seems nothing more can come out of this thread, I'll go ahead and close it down. To be honest, I don't see this happening, but I'm always open to new things.

Last edited by [sammich]; 01-13-2010 at 12:37 AM.
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