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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 12:57 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

ha, what in the world makes you think this is possible? Besides 1k is not enough to pay someone to do this.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by ChristopherJLee View Post
EDIT: I changed my mind, if someone provides me a working iphone ROM for the touch pro 2, I'll give you $1000. If you want details of what I want, I'll give them but it would require the ability to sync with itunes, all sprint cdma radios to work, wifi, bluetooth, 3g, usb, internet tethering, text messaging, basically, a 99% working ROM. I know the money isn't much but that's about how much an iphone would be worth to me.

please pass this on to your favorite developer/programmer

It seems like there are many different ROM's, or OS's that can be modified to run on these tiny little computers. So why not the apple iphone OS? Seems like hardware wise we would be in heaven with such a great keyboard to the most popular and succesful phone ever. Have any of the talented programmers here attempted it? i would easily pay $50 ore even more for it, as I'm sure many, many other people would. i am certain that there is a programmer out there with access to the iphone source code and can write in the drivers for the hardware. i realize it would be illegal and copyright infrigement but the person that could do it would be infamous and be offered a sweet, cushy programming job at a huge corporation. which of you programmers are currently in a job they don't like or even unemployed? this would be your opportunity to cross the invisible barrier and make double, triple, or even 100X your current salary. think about it.

PS-other than the amazing talents that you would be displaying by doing this, even if you don't become famous, I'm still going to show you how to make money off this. Immediately before releasing the program to the public, get as much money as you can to buy, borrow, cheat, steal, or using whatever means necessary and get every single touch pro 2 phone you can find. i literally mean, 10000+ of them if possible. As soon as the program is released, the word will get out, and within weeks the cost of getting a touch pro 2 on the black market will be upwards of $600-$800, maybe even more. an iphone with a keyboard...

LOL!!...man just keep that 1000 in your bank and stick with your tp2 if you have one already..people these days arent just happy with there phone! exspecially a touch pro 2 talking about ill give 1000 whoever makes it...go buy a boring razor and see if youll go back to the tp2...i bet you 1000 in a heartbeat!! LOL...im happy what tp2 has to offer! and its nice features..
Please hit if i have helped.

  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by MadSquabbles View Post
isn't verizon supposed to get the iphone this year? couldn't that be unlocked/jailbroken and used on sprint then?
Not if Sprint won't activate the ESN.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Hell I would pay 1,000 dollars to just get a Windows environment that worked! lol
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Hence why I call it the gayphone aka icrap/ishit ;]
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:38 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile 6.0) Sprint T7380)

Is this thread really still open??
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

I dont know why apple and google dont make their OS compatible with WM. I know when you buy the phone you are also paying for the OS but wouldnt they still make tons of money if they offered it free to WM users? Also they would steal the WM OS right from under Microsoft. I will always prefer WM over anything but it would be cool to flash apple OS or Android every once in awhile to try different apps
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 01:56 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Let me preface this by saying Apple would probably sue the crap out of anyone who actually did this, so I don't think anyone would ever do it...


I actually think this is possible, and would not take as much work as everyone here is saying. Why? Let me explain....

Microsoft is going out of their way to make it easy to port iPhone apps to Windows Mobile. There are all kinds of tutorials on this. See here:
and here:

Okay, so now that we have established that there are a number of resources out there to port iPhone stuff to Windows Mobile (and there are a ton more, I just listed a few but google has hundreds), the question becomes- how hard would it be to reverse that? If we can port something to Windows Mobile from an iPhone, how hard would it be to port something from Windows Mobile to an iPhone? And once we start porting stuff from Windows Mobile to an iPhone, then how hard would it be to port things like drivers? And even if it is totally impossible- drivers are really small files, and I can't imagine they are all that difficult to write. It might be pretty hard for a "spare time" programmer, but probably not difficult at all for people that earn their living programming.

The question then becomes- how do we get the iPhone OS running at all? Well, if we have Android running, and the iPhone OS has similar roots, then I would imagine it is a similar process. I wouold imagine any number of geeks from the iPhone hacking community could provide a ROM dump, and any number of geeks from the WinMo community could get it loaded to a Touch Pro 2.

I may be over simplifying this, but it is certainly doable.

The thing is, it is probably not feasible for one person to do this. One person could be a projet manager though. And this project manager could get the best talent from the iPhone hacking community to handle the appropriate tasks, and the best talent from the WinMo hacking community to handle the appropriate tasks, and even a real life programmer to code some drivers and other things if need be.

Can all of this happen for $1000? I don't know. But the point is it could be done, for a lot cheaper and a lot easier than everyone in this thread is claiming. We're in a recession righ tnow. You better believe there is some programmer in middle of nowhere India that would love to make some cash right about now. You just need a good project manager to put the right team together.

Thinking about this, I might even take up the task. Chances are pretty slim I will, but I am at least giving it some thought. The real problem here is the Touch Pro 2 has a resistive screen, and a different resolution than the iPhone screen. If it had a capacitive screen and the same resolution, it would pretty much be guaranteed to work with all the iPhone apps. And I would definitely take this offer at that point. because a Touch Pro 2 running a fully functional iPhone OS with all apps working and all features working would be a pretty hot commoditty. It would work on pretty much any network in the world, and it would have a keyboard. You could sell those unlocked for a pretty penny.

It would all have to be under aliases though, with money flowing through some kind of annonymousm intercontinental network. Apple would definitely be looking to sue somebody, so I would want the potential profit without the potential lawsuit. Would need some way to sell these on ebay without getting busted, lol. Could probably make about $300 profit per device, and they would sell like hotcakes.

Of course Apple would probably kill it in an update, so that would have to be another consideration.
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

Originally Posted by menoats View Post
Just get that iPhone it will work for Sprint.
No it wont, WCDMA and CDMA are as diffrent as lets say CDMA is to umm... GSM . Dont buy it.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: iPhone ROM Development $1000

While this would appeal to many, it would be a NIGHTMARE to port.

The screen resolutions are different, and not by a standard multiple. It would be a coding nightmare.

I would be interested it possible though!

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
Hence why I call it the gayphone aka icrap/ishit ;]
Not the proper use of the word gay. You never know who you're offending... *AHEM*
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