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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 03:45 PM
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How best to clean screen before installing protector?

Hello all

I have been making several attempts at getting my screen clean before I install a protector.

The last one was a real disaster as despite the fact that it looked clean as a whistle, there still seemed to be a lot of dust there.

To go over my opinion on this, basically since I've had this unit now for about two weeks I haven’t been able to get my hands on a really good and properly designed for the TP2 screen protector till now so I've have been using some temporary not full sized and/or cheap screen protectors that I didn't mind removing and replacing either right away or at some point if the install didn’t go well. So I would say that I have probably gone through about 5 or 6 now.

The thing that is weird is at this point and I could be wrong but especially with the last one that I mentioned, despite how clean I got it, I could swear that a few of the current specs were ones that were there before.

What I’m thinking is, I wonder if from some of these previous replacements, that I might have goo’ed these specs up enough now that they are stuck on there much more then the average dust free cloth will remove.

So now I have a real nice Seidio protector now to put on it and I want this to be the last install I do so I was just wondering what might be the best thing or process to use to be sure I get the TP2’s screen really spotless before I attempt this install?

At this point I have a extra dust free cloth and was thinking that with the unit off and the battery removed that I might get it damp and dab a little dish washing soap on it and wipe the screen down, then rinse out the cloth and do it again to rinse it off and do that as many times after that till I’m sure I got all the soap off.

Keep in mine that I will do all this as dry and sparingly as I can.

Then after that I will let it dry and then wipe it down with a clean dry dust free cloth to be sure to get any residue or water spots off from that.

So does anyone have any comments or thoughts on that procedure?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:11 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

what kind of screen protector you got?? seidio?

well i just used some very soft a cotton ball to press hard to clear the greese on it and just look at it at different angles to see anything before install..and blow on it to so any little tiny! lint might be hanging on...oh and swipe the on the screen upwards the side ways if you go one way itll leave lines..tp2 screen is very smooth soft but can soak up finger prints like CRAAAAAZY!!! lol..hope i helped alittle
Please hit if i have helped.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:18 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

are you installing it in the bathroom with the shower running nice and hot so there is no dust?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

The bathroom trick is what I do when installing a screen protector. Have the shower running hot water and let the batroom fill with steam. As far as cleaning the screen before installing... I use the same cleaner I use for my glasses.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

I use the stock protector and its great!

The bathroom thing is a good idea and to clean the screen use scotch tape instead of cloth. It wont leave lint and will even remove smudges. Just be careful not to get the tape on the buttons cause it might lift them off when you remove the tape.

If you somehow get some lint and dirt again just use tape again to remove it. If it's on the protector, you can also use tape on it.

I've done this to 3 TP2's replacements and works well. Last one I did it at the store.

EDIT: I meant to say scotch tape not masking tape.

Last edited by aznmode; 01-06-2010 at 04:35 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
Hello all

So now I have a real nice Seidio protector now to put on it and I want this to be the last install I do so I was just wondering what might be the best thing or process to use to be sure I get the TP2’s screen really spotless before I attempt this install?

At this point I have a extra dust free cloth and was thinking that with the unit off and the battery removed that I might get it damp and dab a little dish washing soap on it and wipe the screen down, then rinse out the cloth and do it again to rinse it off and do that as many times after that till I’m sure I got all the soap off.

Keep in mine that I will do all this as dry and sparingly as I can.

Then after that I will let it dry and then wipe it down with a clean dry dust free cloth to be sure to get any residue or water spots off from that.

So does anyone have any comments or thoughts on that procedure?
Hi, there is actually a Sticky on this - you can find it here:


Good Luck!
TP2 running 6.5x (Sprint)
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Old 01-06-2010, 06:20 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

I just use the lint free cloth that came with my ipod Touch. Even if you get dust on the protector itself, all is not lost. I have reused stock screen protectors simple by running them under water and cleaning them off. Then leaving them sticky side up to dry. I had 4 touch pro's (3 replacements) and used the same original screen protector on all of them.

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Old 01-06-2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

I know its not recommended, but I used hand sanitizer.

I steamed up the bathroom to trap all the dust particles, got a bowl, filled it with soap and water, washed my hands, dipped my hands in the bowl and applied the protector. The soap prevents your fingers from leaving marks on either the screen or protector.

YOU WILL HAVE VERY FAINT STREAKS UNDER THE SCREEN FOR A FEW DAYS! I thought I screwed up and nothing I did made them go away. But TRUST ME, they go away after 48-72 hours!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2010, 06:42 PM
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Re: How best to clean screen before installing protector?

I use a disinfectant wipe & rubbing alcohol & a paper towel :-p
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