HTC Messaging in Sense 2.5 is driving me INSANE!!!
Are there any other Messaging software I can use in lieu of the HTC Messaging software? Currently running the Sense 2.5 + HTC Messaging and it's extremely slow. I just want to get rid of the HTC messaging entirely and use something else. Any recommendation?
If there is no fix for this besides changing the 2.5 to 2.1 messaging (I tried and it's still slow for me), I'm going to go back to an older rom with 2.1 Sense. Seems faster and more stable. My 6.1 WinMo + 2.1 Sense in a my old TP blows my TP2 away in speed. Currently running the SSS rom on the TP2.
I need fast texting, and MMS is not a big deal for me btw.