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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 03:11 PM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

Originally Posted by aussiepunk View Post
No go. Installed the funky drivers so USPL could be used but that's only for GSM devices so no hope there. It's fully dead.
Take it back to sprint



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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 12:24 AM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

so there is no way to unbrick it if installed the incorrect hard spl? I too did a d bag move and actually downloaded both rhodium and the one used by op... and now my tp2 for vzw is bricked...idk how i would go about getting a new phone because i traded my storm 2 for it and idk if can pull an insurance scheme... i dont wanna give up... i really enjoyed the phone for a couple days.. im so pissed at my dumb move.. i unlocked iphones and such without a problem...
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

I'm curious to know, did the OP ever get his phone fixed?
If my post is helpful....feel free to thank me.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

just got off the phone with tech support from vzw and the guy was so helpful. I said i unplugged during a sync and he sent out a like new replacement via fed ex and waived the 50$ fee! So i will be out a phone for a couple days.. o well. crisis averted. Now this time I will flash correctly...
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by B dot
just got off the phone with tech support from vzw and the guy was so helpful. I said i unplugged during a sync and he sent out a like new replacement via fed ex and waived the 50$ fee! So i will be out a phone for a couple days.. o well. crisis averted. Now this time I will flash correctly...
glad to see everything worked out bro.If you need any help feel free to pm me.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

Originally Posted by chappy View Post
Did you make sure you were using the CDMA unlocker? There's a GSM one that can brick your phone if you try to use it.

As far as the device connecting to your PC, it won't need active sync to re-flash. If it installed that driver, try flashing the stock rom to it.
If the incorrect phone unlocker is used, CDMA vs GSM doesnt matter, as it wont brick the device, all you need to do is run the correct band (CDMA in this case) and it will work.

Originally Posted by k0nkuzh0n View Post
do you have to unlock the phone before every time you flash, or only the first time ?
you have to unlock it the first time. should remain unlocked after, unless you run a stock rom, as some can relock.

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
yeah im a little confused how you possibly mucked that one up... touch pro unlocker is in the tp forum and touch pro2 unlocker is in this tp2 forum... sucks for you but you should've paid more attention. The whole process needs to be followed exactly and unfortunately you learned that the hard way. Goodluck fixing it.
Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
I don't understand how people get software from a completely different section of the site and assume it works for their phone.
no offense guys, but he is obviously new to the site, and with the way the forum is layed out, the TP and the TP2 threads are right next to eachother. Simple mistake that a new comer could make. Yes the OP should have read more carefully, but it is easy to understand how he might have misread.

This community is for helping, not insulting new comers, tends to push people away. Lets be supportive and give good advice.
(flame on)

Originally Posted by SweetBearCub View Post

The drivers you need should be included in a download of ActiveSync 4.5 (Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center (Windows 7). If you are running Windows 7, I seem to recall that allowing Windows to check online for drivers will find it.

Once the PC loads the driver and you connect the phone, the phone will appear to be dead, but is connected in a special diagnostic mode, even though you may not see any outward signs of life from the phone.

Run the correct unlocker (http://rhodiumw.htc-unlocks.com/hard-spl.php) and go from there. Good luck, and read the description of everything you download for your phone carefully - Remember that there are a few different (and incompatible) versions of software for phones that look very similar and are named very similarly.

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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: TP2, 3 days old and I bricked it.

bricked mine also while flashing new radio . I read where if you had a
riff box one can jtag and repair it.. any inputs on the riff box would be helpful.

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