HTC Streaming Media
Im running Mighty Rom 12/6 build and i've been trying to stream video/audio. When i click on either the HTC Streaming media player loads up and it plays like 1min with buffering stops every 5 seconds almost and then it stops saying the server disconnected me from the stream or the bandwith is not enough.
is this a issue with Verizon stopping my streams? my settings within the Streaming Media Player? or something else?
I have a friend who has the touch pro 2 with US Cellular and we both tried a video and it played through within 3-5 seconds right away on his phone, but on my touch pro 2 it buffered for nearly a minute then played for 5 seconds buffered played for 5 more seconds and buffered til about a minute and then stopped playing sayiing either the server disconnected me or the bandwith is not enough, or saying Server or data time out; tap play to reconnect