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Old 12-29-2009, 11:14 AM
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Help newbee with Memory clean up.

Hello All

Forgive a bit of a newbee question here and one that is a bit long and I know that there are many many posts on this but to be honest there are actually so many that it’s a bit overwhelming for someone like me.

As well I know this may not be only pertaining to TP2’s but I think some is so I thought it was best to ask here.

I received a Verizon TP2 for Christmas and am trying to get it to perform better from, what I am perceiving, is too much “Program” memory being used.

Basically I’m pretty knowledgeable about regular PC’s but I do want to ask a few quick questions on this system and then a few specific to the post topic.

For my memory, while I am assuming this is really all physically RAM memory (ie no hard drive), natively (ie no storage card) it is split between two things, the “Storage” memory and the “Program” memory.

So essentially the “Storage” can be thought of as a hard drive and the “Program” is like the RAM?

So for me at this point as I have installed a few programs but with no card right now I have the following for MB:

Total: 264.51
In Use: 69.97
Free: 194.55

Program (will fluctuate but this is with a fresh restart and no programs run)
Total: 183.58
In use: 98.44
Free: 85.15

Which by the % count is 54, but this will basically run up into the upper 60’s after just a small amount of use and usually will stay in that area even if I close everything.

Note I should state that like I said I have installed a few programs but to the best of my knowledge, none of them are run in the back ground type things so I don’t think they are adding to the % number.

So now with only a few programs being run I often run very tight if not out of the “Program” memory and things start bogging way down.

So is there anything I can do about this?

Basically if this was the case in a regular PC I would look to shut down some of that stuff that’s is natively running in the background that I don’t need which in this case is what I guess would be that “In Use” number when all the programs are closed.

So is there any way to do that?

Also the other thing I would typically think to do with a regular PC would be to add more RAM but I’m guessing with these things you can’t do that, but is there anyway to take that “Program Total” number and add more to it by taking away from the “Storage” number?

At any rate, any help on this would be great.

Also and of course I would love to hear anything that could help, but from what I’ve read on some of these post it seems like there are many suggestions for registry tweaks for this stuff or cab files to do what I am assuming is a reg tweak but as I’m still pretty new to this OS system to be honest if there was a UI interface program for this I think that might be a better way to do this at least for now as then I could do this and then switch it back a lot more safely until I learn more.

So my next question is basically pertaining more to the storage memory in that, is there anyway to uninstall some of the native programs that came with this device that could be filling up that area?

So far I think I’ve been through most of them and while I’m sure some of them are of use to some, for me there’s quiet a lot I know I will never need, plus there’s the getting started and other one time things I’m sure I could loose too but as far as I can see, it seems like the factory installed stuff it not removable at least with the native system, but I was just wondering if there was anyway to get that stuff off so that I codul free up more space?

Thanks so much for any help
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