classic word completion and stuck keypad
I finally brought myself to getting the CeRegEditor setup. After fiddling with the registration all afternoon, trying different approaches, I found that the moment I change from XT9 to classic word completion by doing the following reg edit:
HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\XT9SupportMSSip has a value of 0
Change these two registry keys under:
HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\control\layouts\e001 0409
Ime File: \windows\et9ime.dll --> Ime File: \windows\compime.dll
Layout Text : ET9 IME --> Layout Text : COMP IME
I would have a stuck numeral keypad when I setup an new appointment.
I am about to give up and would like to have a final word. Is there anyone of you who can have classic word completion while NOT get a stuck numeral keypad while setting up an new appointment (numeral keypad comes up when you enter the start and end time of the appointment).
For the life of me I just cannot figure out why comp ime in e0010409 would trigger this numeral keypad. It's frustrating as hell, because I really don't like XT9.