Security flaw in My Network in Resco Explorer?
Today I installed Resco Explorer on my fiance`'s TP2 (stock ROM) and went to configure a network drive so she can access files on her desktop computer while at home on the wifi. The "computers near me" list started filling up and I could see...what looked like...hundreds of phones within the area. Some were called the standard WM_PHONE1 and such, some had actual names like BRIAN_WINTERS, etc... Also, this was before I even turned on the wifi because I was getting ahead of myself.
Is this normal? I didn't notice this on my phone a few weeks ago when I did this for my computer. Is this is a massive security issue with Sprint? I live in the Metro Detroit area. Is there a way to hide my own phone from this?
-Seriously, Jim
Last edited by nomaxtech; 12-20-2009 at 09:53 PM.
Reason: Changed title