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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: Anyone running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta?

This was all a fresh installation. I reformatted my computer and installed Win7 Ultimate (64-bit, yes) and then Office 2010 Beta. And then Jeyo. Jeyo's the one putting that Office11 folder in there.

I did chance the permissions on the jeyo folder but that hasn't helped. I've tried running smsexpress in compatibility mode as well as an administrator, but that's not helped either.

Jeyo also installs its own .pst file in My Documents->My SMS. Outlook should pick that up and display with my other emails, but it's not picking up that file. in fact, going back through and looking at the installation, I don't think Jeyo installed that folder at all. That may, though, be a folder that's only created when Outlook loads smsexpress correctly.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 06:18 PM
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Re: Anyone running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta?

I'm running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta, and my original issue was that it would not sense my phone as connected, but I followed these steps (http://www.everythingwm.com/forum/wi...ect-30819.html) and now the only issue is that although my text messages appear mostly as they should, I now have interesting Asian script when its a text message with picture attached (so either Jeyo doesn't do picture messages or Office 2010 Beta doesn't like the interaction).


To recap posting from everythingwm.com:
Again, this dealt with my issue of connection but I am able to use it with Office 2010 Beta--any ideas as to the picture thing?
Instructions for enabling Jeyo Mobile Extender in Windows 7

Add an Inbound Rule in Windows Firewall for outlook.exe, protocol TCP and port 9035.

Open Control Panel
Open Windows Firewall
Click Advanced Settings
Select Inbound Rules

From the Menu, select New Rule
Rule Type -> Custom
Program -> %Program Files% (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office 12\OUTLOOK.EXE (or wherever your Outlook.exe is)
Protocol and Ports -> Protocol type: TCP, Local Port -> Specific Port: 9035
Scope: Which remote IP address does this rule apply to? These IP address -> Predefined set of computers -> Local subnet
Action: Allow the connection
Profile: Uncheck Domain and Public
Name: Jeyo Mobile Extender


Last edited by lionblossom; 04-27-2010 at 06:21 PM. Reason: Typos in my repost from everythingwm.com
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2010, 01:46 AM
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Re: Anyone running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta?

Some updates...

I originally found a manual workaround by starting Outlook 2010 and then going and manually disabling the Jeyo add-in and then manually restarting it. I would get a lot of error messages about access violations, but when the smoke cleared and I connected my phone "Voila!" everything worked.

Interesting addendum however. Tonight I installed the Outlook Hotmail Connector and whatever that did or changed allowed my Outlook 2010 Beta to immediately connect to Jeyo without having to stop/restart the add-in.

Don't know what the deal is with Office 2010 non-beta but will test it out in a few weeks when I eventually switch over.

Hope this resolution can be of help.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: Anyone running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta?

Windows 7 and Outlook 2010 (Full versions - Not a beta)

I have installed Office 2010 and got Jeyo working. A few simple steps gets the process going. Not sure if you have to do all the steps (such as step 2), but it works, so why screw with it.

If you have Jeyo working with 2007, do the following:

Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer

1. Install Outlook 2010 (32-bit)
2. Install Microsoft Connector 32-bit (not sure if needed, but???)
3. Launch Outlook, acknowledge the Jeyo error message
4. Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ons
5. At the bottom of the page, click GO to Manage Add-ins
6. Unclick the check next to Jeyo Mobile Extender, Click OK (Acknowledge any error messages)
7. Exit Outlook
8. Restart Outlook (You should not get any error messages from Jeyo)
9. Once Outlook downloads your E-mails, Click File, Click Options, Click Add-ons
10. At the bottom of the page, click GO to Manage Add-ins
11. Unclick the check next to Jeyo Mobile Extender
12. Click OK
13. Connect your phone. Once connected, everything should work!

Hope this resolution can be of help.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2013, 06:25 AM
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Unhappy Re: Anyone running Jeyo and Office 2010 Beta?

Hi all!
I have read and tried all the things in this thread, including the last suggestions, but the errors still show up with Outlook 2010 (full ver.) + Jeyo Mobile Extender + at least one email account present in Outlook.
  • JME+Outlook 2007 works, even with email account present.
  • JME+Outlook 2010 without email accounts - works too.
But I need JME with Outlook 2010 with email accounts present.
Here are quite a few details from my testing: [Q] Desktop SMS software? - Page 2 - xda-developers (it's my own reply-post, please take a look at it, since I didn't want to make a fully double-post here).

Any ideas, guys, please? Have you managed Outlook 2010+JME working without Access violation erros and crashes? If so, what am I doing wrong?
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