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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:11 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

ok can you explain to me what the problem is with using sense 2.1?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:14 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
ok can you explain to me what the problem is with using sense 2.1?
Because it's not the newest and coolest?
Why does the new manila messaging app work with the HD2 and not the TP2? What got changed?

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:17 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

ok here is the skinny with my rom atleast...running sense 2.1 and using the htc messaging layout in texts i am able to reply with mms...once i select mms it launches the arcsoft app and allows me to insert a picture and send without issue. am i missing an htc mms layout somewhere? and...my mms messages are threaded...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:22 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
ok here is the skinny with my rom atleast...running sense 2.1 and using the htc messaging layout in texts i am able to reply with mms...once i select mms it launches the arcsoft app and allows me to insert a picture and send without issue. am i missing an htc mms layout somewhere? and...my mms messages are threaded...
I always thought the mms issue was only with Manila 2.5, since Manila 2.1 works fine, no? I've never had a problem with Manila 2.1 and mms.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

well then upon collaboration the title of this thread should be more specific to the issue. If it's out there im sure we can fix it. I especially...once i know what the problem is.

not to mention the fact that 2.5 isnt even native for our devices so you have to expect problems regardless of the tweaks and hacks people have applied.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:33 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by amw1972 View Post
So...we have yet to be able to send MMS directly out from the native messaging app out of manila. When I was running R3 and R4 of Juicy's ROM...there were a couple of folks that may have been on the right track...but I'm not sure if it was ever followed up. There is really too many 'geekers here with awesome talent to NOT be able to figure this thing out...so...here is my contribution...and maybe we can lick thing once and for all...

I think a reg entry of interest is the following...

HKLM>>SOFTWARE>>Jataayu>>Messaging>>MMS>>Profile>> CDMA

in that entry...there is a key for IPAddress that is left blank...I have every other value entered much like what we have our Arcsoft is set up for...

gateway: 80
MMSCURL: http://mms.sprint.com/servlets/mms

reason why I think this is THE reg entry that matters is that when I changed the Sendlimit value from 300 to 1024....the send limit in the native HTC messaging app attachement tab changed its limit to 1000. Considering that I've entered the proper port and the url for mms...I think that IPAddress key value may have something to do with HTC messaging app sending out MMS.

Also of note, if you follow the reg entry to:


there sits a key for MMSPreferredNetwork. The value is set at 1. What that value turns the mms preferred network to...I'm not sure. I'm almost certain if we find that entry is being pointed we'll be that much further to enabling MMS in the native HTC messaging.

This is all trial and error results...so pls bear with me...
can you export the entire reg settings for the Jataayu directory and ill take a look at it please.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 02:10 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
can you export the entire reg settings for the Jataayu directory and ill take a look at it please.
glad 2, and thanks even for just taking a look. the lag is, i believe, always gonna be there as 2.5 isnt 4 the tp2 but if we could send mms straight from htc that would be moving forward. give me a sec and ill upload. im gonna hard reset so its fresh.

edit: so rom is juicyR6, juicy did disable htc messaging. i installed a cabbed up htc messaging, but its an older version. i didnt change any settings or the .reg files and i also zipped the cab i used to install in case you want to look inside. thanks 4 looking an the help
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Last edited by kjhadfield; 12-12-2009 at 02:44 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 07:05 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs View Post
ok can you explain to me what the problem is with using sense 2.1?
Honestly, I would use Sense 2.1 if the text were smaller. It really, really bothers me, and I love Sense 2.5's font sizes. I don't know if they're fixable by themes or anything though.

I just use SPB Mobile 3.5 now >_>
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

OK i have gotten some progress myself. I got it to connect to the net when you send. But now i get a PPP error bad password and username. Im still messing with stuff. But at least now it tries to send


connects to network now but fails after awhile. So we know its connecting to net it must be a server setting now. Either its timing out or wrong settings.
## Rom: None # Provider: Verizon # Experience: Advanced # Phone:Verizon TP2 ##

Last edited by silentjoker; 12-12-2009 at 12:28 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
Because it's not the newest and coolest?
Why does the new manila messaging app work with the HD2 and not the TP2? What got changed?
i dont know, but i can think of a couple reasons it works on the hd2 and not the tp2. 1 reason could be processor. i dont know if youve used that app but trust me its not meant to be that slow, a lack of a snapdragon processor could be 1 reason. another could be that specific client is currently made to work on overseas mms networks since it hasnt officially been ported over yet, or the simple and best answer is that we are all working on a program that was created for another phone and network all together and it will work when htc creates and app for us. you guys are all wasting your time, when htc gives us a new messaging client it might work, but with this current one its not going to happen, feel free to do all your time wasting as it will not work and it doesnt affect me but i thought i would at least try and save you some free time.
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