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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 10:51 AM
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HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Hello fellow forum members,

I am in a bind and need some honest feedback about the HTC Touch Pro2. I currently have the Sprint Hero (Android platform) and like it for the most part. However, the phone doesn't allow me to sync with work to get my corporate email since security policies can't be pushed down. I know that the HTC Touch Pro 2 does allow policies. Therefore, I am considering making a change. However, there are a few things holding me back which I need your advice:

1. Resistive versus Capacitive screen. the Hero has the capactive while the HTC Touch Pro2 has the resistive. Does this difference make a big deal to anybody? What am I loosing or gaining?

2. Windows Mobile versus Android. The Android market has a lot more applications that WM. Do you think that the WM market will catch on?

3. Windows Mobile 7. Will the HTC Touch Pro2 be able to update to WM 7?

4. Speed. I have heard that the HTC Touch PRO2 is slow. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

5. Size. I heard that the device is rather large. Does anybody have problems carrying the phone around in their pocket?

I would be most greatful if I could get your opinion.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by lancer123 View Post
Hello fellow forum members,

I am in a bind and need some honest feedback about the HTC Touch Pro2. I currently have the Sprint Hero (Android platform) and like it for the most part. However, the phone doesn't allow me to sync with work to get my corporate email since security policies can't be pushed down. I know that the HTC Touch Pro 2 does allow policies. Therefore, I am considering making a change. However, there are a few things holding me back which I need your advice:

1. Resistive versus Capacitive screen. the Hero has the capactive while the HTC Touch Pro2 has the resistive. Does this difference make a big deal to anybody? What am I loosing or gaining?

2. Windows Mobile versus Android. The Android market has a lot more applications that WM. Do you think that the WM market will catch on?

3. Windows Mobile 7. Will the HTC Touch Pro2 be able to update to WM 7?

4. Speed. I have heard that the HTC Touch PRO2 is slow. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

5. Size. I heard that the device is rather large. Does anybody have problems carrying the phone around in their pocket?

I would be most greatful if I could get your opinion.

1.) I have no issues with a resistive screen from the 6800 to the TP to the TP2. Others seem to like the capacitive screen more though. *shrug*

2.) No - I don't see any spike in development coming for a platform that's been around for a long time. Android has a lot of hype and momentum behind it - WM not so much

3.)No - due to hardware requirements

4.) The TP2 is not slow compared to any other WM handset I've used. I've been pleasantly surprised by both the speed and battery life.

5.) I carry it in my pocket at all times - belt cases are just too cumbersome for me and I don't have any issues getting it in or out.
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Old 12-10-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by lancer123 View Post
Hello fellow forum members,


1. Resistive versus Capacitive screen. the Hero has the capactive while the HTC Touch Pro2 has the resistive. Does this difference make a big deal to anybody? What am I loosing or gaining?

2. Windows Mobile versus Android. The Android market has a lot more applications that WM. Do you think that the WM market will catch on?

3. Windows Mobile 7. Will the HTC Touch Pro2 be able to update to WM 7?

4. Speed. I have heard that the HTC Touch PRO2 is slow. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

5. Size. I heard that the device is rather large. Does anybody have problems carrying the phone around in their pocket?

I would be most greatful if I could get your opinion.

1. You will lose Multitouch. But personally I love the TP2 screen, I cant do that whole "have to use you whole finger" thing. I use my nail and cant deal with any screen that doesnt allow me to

2. Eh, probably not. Android being open source means ANYONE can make an app and throw it up there. WinMo apps have to undergo review and approval. So its overall slower

3. No, WinMo7 requires 1 GHz processor

4. Slow??? God no. I mean eventually if you leaVE apps running in the background, you may experience this. But personally I soft reset my phone about 3 times a week, just to clear it out.

5, It is large. But damn it feels good in my hand. It feels like Im holding an actual phone. I have no problems with it in my pocket. Granted Im almost always wearing slacks, or khakis. So idk about jeans...that may be different.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

1. I prefer resistive screen if it's as good as the TP2 screen. Works with gloves and stylus if I want, for drawing apps for instance.
2. Winmo has way more apps than Android, and more powerful apps than Apple. Like Office.
3. Winmo 7 probably not officially, but most likely unofficially. Not really important.
4. TP2 is faster than Hero. Speed hasn't been an issue for me.
5. I carry mine in my pocket all the time.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by lancer123 View Post
Hello fellow forum members,

I am in a bind and need some honest feedback about the HTC Touch Pro2. I currently have the Sprint Hero (Android platform) and like it for the most part. However, the phone doesn't allow me to sync with work to get my corporate email since security policies can't be pushed down. I know that the HTC Touch Pro 2 does allow policies. Therefore, I am considering making a change. However, there are a few things holding me back which I need your advice:

1. Resistive versus Capacitive screen. the Hero has the capactive while the HTC Touch Pro2 has the resistive. Does this difference make a big deal to anybody? What am I loosing or gaining?

2. Windows Mobile versus Android. The Android market has a lot more applications that WM. Do you think that the WM market will catch on?

3. Windows Mobile 7. Will the HTC Touch Pro2 be able to update to WM 7?

4. Speed. I have heard that the HTC Touch PRO2 is slow. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

5. Size. I heard that the device is rather large. Does anybody have problems carrying the phone around in their pocket?

I would be most greatful if I could get your opinion.

1. I never notice the diffrence between the hero and tp2 when it comes to touch screen feels the same.
2. windows mobile has ALOT of applications not even on the market...
3. nope dont mean hardware requirements
4. its pretty fast but thier is an app for that to LOL
5. Its a smart phone with a keyboard and a 3.6 in screen durr of course its large.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

1. the resistive touch screen on the TP2 is much more responsive than on other resistive touch screen phones in the past. As others have said you will lose multitouch, but you also will be getting a screen that is .4" bigger and a much higher resolution (800x480).
2. Forget about the "Market Place". If you need a winmo app just google it, you'll find millions. There are more winmo apps around than you'll know what to do with, unfortunately they're usually not in one place. But also because apps are just easy to install cab files, usually you can find them posted here at ppcgeeks.
3. yea... no windows mobile 7.
4. A well customized TP2 runs fast.
5. I carry my TP2 around in the front pocket of my pants. If you're worried check it out in person. T-Mobile or AT&T have their versions in store now, and Verizon and Sprint should have it in-store shortly too.

Please remember to THANK me if I helped you!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:40 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by japper88 View Post
Sprint should have it in-store shortly too.
Sprints technically is in store, it was released to stores in November. My store has tons. But from my understanding not all stores may have them. So Id try calling around
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:43 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by subzero1313 View Post
Sprints technically is in store, it was released to stores in November. My store has tons. But from my understanding not all stores may have them. So Id try calling around
Yea, but I think the OP gets my point, just go see it in person.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

none of your issues is a showstopper as you've been answered above. i'll add a few things.

TP2 really is a much better smartphone with obviously a full keyboard. Now if you really wanted android and said verizon/droid and can live without slingbox & things like that then it's another story.

there are many more winmo apps for everything and that won't change... most of them free also.

the only software google imho will ever really have over winmo would be google's own software (ie. maps with turn-by-turn voice for android)

due to that win7 is a non-event for TP2 users.

TP2 has a higher 800x480 resolution screens vs the hero's outdated 480x320. i have no use for multitouch, inaccurate (capacitive) touchscreens myself. it seems that many haters can't live without them however. YMMV.

Originally Posted by lancer123 View Post
Hello fellow forum members,

I am in a bind and need some honest feedback about the HTC Touch Pro2. I currently have the Sprint Hero (Android platform) and like it for the most part. However, the phone doesn't allow me to sync with work to get my corporate email since security policies can't be pushed down. I know that the HTC Touch Pro 2 does allow policies. Therefore, I am considering making a change. However, there are a few things holding me back which I need your advice:

1. Resistive versus Capacitive screen. the Hero has the capactive while the HTC Touch Pro2 has the resistive. Does this difference make a big deal to anybody? What am I loosing or gaining?

2. Windows Mobile versus Android. The Android market has a lot more applications that WM. Do you think that the WM market will catch on?

3. Windows Mobile 7. Will the HTC Touch Pro2 be able to update to WM 7?

4. Speed. I have heard that the HTC Touch PRO2 is slow. Can anybody confirm or deny this?

5. Size. I heard that the device is rather large. Does anybody have problems carrying the phone around in their pocket?

I would be most greatful if I could get your opinion.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro2 Honest Opinion Needed

Originally Posted by tvandyck7 View Post
To me, I would get board with Android. I like the devices, but you are stuck with apps and there isn't as much tweaking and customization like Winmo. Android feels kinda like Blackberry. Just gets boring.
GTFO of my head! Just because theres a lot of extra space in there doesn't mean you can hang out! But seriously that's my EXACT feeling on both BB and Android. I can't get rid of WinMo, it's just too tweakable.
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