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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 02:46 PM
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Do smartphones really fill a niche?

I've got 3 or 4 more day left on my 30 day return period for my Touch Pro2 with Verizon and I'm trying to decide whether to keep it or not.

It seems to me that a TP2 (as well as the other smartphones) primary purpose is to add internet, email and messaging functions to a cell phone.

I think it makes an excellant messaging device because for the most part text messages are fairly brief and the keyboard and screen lend to that.

But when it comes to doing things on the internet, I just can't get past all the scrolling, overshooting, launching things I didn't intend to, things missing from web pages, applications not running and relatively small screen.

For me, it may make a lot more sense to go back to a cell phone and do the netbook or laptop with one of those usb plugs.


Last edited by JimP; 12-08-2009 at 04:20 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

it really sounds like you've made your mind up already. All in all I guess it really depends on what you plan to use it for. I myself do construction, I cant not carry a netbook around with me in the field wile working, it just isn't an option. So when I need to pull up something from a web page, a PDF of the site plans, send or get an email a phone like this rocks. I can keep a netbook or labtop in the office trailer but that means I have to walk across the site to the trailer just to look something up, or if I'm waiting on an E-mail I have to sit their for it to show up. But not with this phone, I keep doing what I need to be doing in the field an hvae everything I need on my hip. Would I rather have a full blow labtop beside me everywhere I go in the field, yeah, it would be nice, just not posable.

So it sounds like you need to decide what role your phone will fill for you, is all you need a cell phone? Then you could get away with useing just about anything your provider has, do you need email, message an a ton of other cool items on a touch screen format with a slide out keyboard at your fingertips at all times? only you can answer that.... but dont miss out an one of the best windows mobile phones on the market, I love this thing to death, The things you can do with it are just endless... from emailing to messageing to music an watching movies to playing old NES an Sage roms, anything you can think of wanting to do, you can google an probley find it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

You bring up some good points.

Trying to view something as detailed as site plans on a TP2 would drive me nuts.

I think what it comes down is does the form factor convience outweighs the form factor's inconvenience and if there is a better alternative.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

the TP2 allows me to do many more things, without being on a PC or laptop. for that it's worth it 10x over.

if you run opera mini5 and lighten the sensitivity of the screen and install a few tweaks to make for easier navigation the TP2 makes for a near perfect smartphone at this point in time. browsing is great.

i'd take 265mb more addressable RAM over any software upgrade from microsoft, apple, or google myself of a smartphone.

Originally Posted by JimP View Post
I've got 3 or 4 more day left on my 30 day return period for my Touch Pro2 with Verizon and I'm trying to decide whether to keep it or not.

It seems to me that a TP2 (as well as the other smartphones) primary purpose is to add internet, email and messaging functions to a cell phone.

I think it makes an excellant messaging device because for the most part text messages are fairly brief and the keyboard and screen lend to that.

But when it comes to doing things on the internet, I just can't get past all the scrolling, overshooting, launching things I didn't intend to, things missing from web pages, applications not running and relatively small screen.

For me, it may make a lot more sense to go back to a cell phone and do the netbook or laptop with one of those usb plugs.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 08:33 PM
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Cool Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

Originally Posted by JimP View Post
You bring up some good points.

Trying to view something as detailed as site plans on a TP2 would drive me nuts.

I think what it comes down is does the form factor convience outweighs the form factor's inconvenience and if there is a better alternative.
I think that you are missing the whole point. It is a phone, not a computer. It isn't designed, nor would I recommend typing a report for work or school on it. Could you do this? Sure, but who in their right mind would want too?.. It isn't designed to surf the net all day long either. It is designed to give you the capabilities of having access to information quickly when on the fly. (Hence the term Smartphone.) I think that you need to look at the device in a different perspective.
From your perspective you are wondering if you can justify the overall extra cost of this phone verses a regular flip...At least that is what it seems like. So let me give it a shot for you.
I would assume that since you are willing to try this phone and spend some cash on it you would also spend some cash on a regular flip. Get the smaller one with the larger screen, etc... You are going to drop at least a Benjamin on one of those phones, so basically you are only looking at a difference of around $100 for equipment. Given the fact that this phone has GPS, so you don't need to buy a Garmin or TomTom. Also, if you spend $20 on a memory card, then you don't have to purchase a MP3 player or iPod. The extra savings from not needing either of those devices is going to far outweigh the extra cost in equipment you would have to have with getting this phone. That doesn't even take into account the advantage of only having to have one device charged, pack cables for device, keep track of, etc...On top of that, you are also able to do basic computer functions like receive e-mail, check a random page for information or do a quick google search for information. Then you have the wonderful keyboard that you already commented on, which makes text messaging or that quick reply e-mail a breeze...
The only difference that I see would be the basic monthly cost of having data as a part of your monthly plan. For me, it basically comes down to the fact that for me, spending 1.30 a day for the convenience of having the weather updated right on my phone, the quick access to data if I need it, my e-mails for both school and personal, navigation built into my phone and the awesome functionality of having a Mighty Mike ROM is well worth the extra 1.30 a day. I can live without ordering that extra double cheeseburger from McDonald's or having that one extra 20oz soda a day for all that functionality to be right in my pocket just a few screen taps away.... So for me, I guess the better question is how bad do you need that extra soda or double cheeseburger?..LOL
Hope I helped..
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

Originally Posted by JimP View Post
You bring up some good points.

Trying to view something as detailed as site plans on a TP2 would drive me nuts.

I think what it comes down is does the form factor convience outweighs the form factor's inconvenience and if there is a better alternative.
well, atleast you have the ability to view them if you lost/left/broke your laptop. I tell people all the time my phone can do everything my laptop can except burn disks.
that being said, other 'smart' phones can do most of the basics too.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 10:44 PM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

The other day I was trying to think of all the devices and things that my smartphone replaces for me, either totally or partially:

messaging device
address book
digital camera and video camera
portable GPS device and maps
music player
photo/video player
voice memo device
pocket flashlight
FM radio
portable satellite radio
portable TV
portable game device
pocket dictionary/encyclopedia
portable translator
pocket calculator
paper newspaper
portable police radio scanner (wunderradio)
portable weather radio receiver (wunderradio)
portable WiFi router
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 11:12 PM
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:21 AM
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Re: Do smartphones really fill a nitch?

Originally Posted by egovoruhk View Post
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2009, 04:22 AM
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