Im confused about why there are 3800 posts in his thread too. I bought a TP2 NOT an Imagio, so why force this phone to be portrait when it has other options. How can you not want to utilize possibly the sexiest qwerty keyboard of all time?
Originally Posted by jmorton10
LOL, what are you talking about?? (there are over 3800 posts in the Juicy upgrade post from people that would disagree with that sentiment)
The lack of landscape in a few Sense screens does not prevent you from using one single phone feature....(I actually think that landscape is pointless myself, I ran TF themes in my TP that didn't have landscape & never missed it at all)
I ran Mighty for a few weeks & absolutely loved it, but now that I have been running Juicy & got used to manila 2.5 there is no chance I would ever switch back again.