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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 05:21 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
8. You're thinking with the little head and not the big head.
9. Pay more attention to your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend and less attention to your phone.
best ones ...
Main device: Athena (x7500)

Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

Donations To cmonex
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 05:39 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

can a mod simply make a stickie on request unlocker on replacement phones and be done with all these emotional break downs about donations.
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 06:03 PM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro2: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

Just for the record, my uncle, who isn't as techie as me, saw my phone and wanted the same done to his. I sent a PM to comonex (on xda) and was told to sent the IMEI to the support department. I did and about 40 hours later it was able to unlocked. So I know that private users have a option.
As far as donating, I already did that(before the release) and don't have the money to do it again.
Also, My comment of what was being collected earlier wasn't a complaint, rather it was curiosity.
I do appreciate Team Olinexs work. Thanks.
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Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
MordyT is right.
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by MinLo View Post
Call HTC or your carrier and see if they will unlock your phone so you can flash whatever rom you would like too put on your TP2.....

HTC and your carrier put work in to make it so you couldn't have that ability, so I'm sure what their response will be.....

Briefly reading you sig link, you should know this!

HTC didn't put any work into giving you the ability to flash custom roms and Cmonex/Oil did....
The unlocker is their creation made from scratch....

If someone adjust the software that Cmonex/Oil made, the unlocker, then it would and should be considered warez...
Now if someone starts from scratch and makes their own software to unlock the phone, so be it, but I havn't seen anybody accomplish this yet....

Cmonex isn't selling HTC's code...
Cmonex made something to break the Carrier's/HTC's lock on your ability to do things that HTC?carriers's didn't want you to have the ability to do ......
Cmonex/Oil are offering two unlocks for free per person(upgraded last night I believe), and if there is a legit reason they will allow the unlocker to unlock it additional times....

If they don't have it setup the way they do now then others will take the Cmonex/Oil work and profit from commercially unlocking TP2's....
It has been done on prior devices with Cmonex/Oil unlocker's before....

It has already been stated that here or in the official unlock thread that a 3rd party phone dealer is already doing this....
Except the 3rd party dealer wasn't giving away anything free but was charging per unlock....

YOU ARE DISCOUNTING WHAT THEY DID and at the same time being pretty disrespectful IMO

If what they did was a simple tweak why haven't you produced one yet?
Why hasn't anyone else created one?

As far as profit I guess it depends on how you value your time and hard work....
If after spending 3 weeks creating something and you receive $1 and you consider that profit, I need to hire you to help with the kids around my house.....

I don't think we see Cmonex/Oil on any magazine's top 1000 richest ppl list anytime soon because they created a TP2 unlocker

5 lines with all TP2's? Sounds commercial to me unless your buying 14yr old Susie and 10 yr old Timmy a TP2 and somehow he's wants to flash it....

Seems like your just trying to push the envelope but in that case maybe you should donate since their unlocker is gonna be a huge favor to your family.....

Even in the case that your family plan is shared by friends rather than actual family the bill for the phones would come to $1000 in phones with Verizon being the cheapest, all the other US carriers the total would be $1750....
Donating $25 to unlock the all of your 5 lines and your complaining after purchasing $1000 worth of phones that came locked, hmmmmmmmmmm......
Those five people bought $1000 in phones but are complaining that donating .025% of the purchase price is too much to ask....ROFL

With that being said I guess that all of the cooks here don't deserve any donations at all for their creations either RIGHT?

Since all the cooks are doing is taking HTC's and Microsoft work and tweaking it right?

That you should just get what you want for free without any consideration that people actually did more than clink on a link and download the file to make roms/unlocking/themes possible.....

If someone took anybodies work here and changed it without the softwares authors' permission then yes it would be a big NONO.....
I wouldn't use the term warez but rather it would be stealing....

I know your gonna restate that they tweaked HTC's source code but I didn't get an unlocker preinstalled on my TP2, DID YOU????

Nobody has stepped up to make an unlocker because it isn't as easy you think it is....
If someone made an unlocker without using/stealing cmonex's/oil's program I would think it would be fine....
If PPCGEEK's didn't like that there was a free unlocker available, the free unlocker author is more than welcome to take it to another site or create their own site......

Cmonex/Oil I'm sure appreciated your donation.....
If you would have had patience to wait you wouldn't of had to donate.....

Not to be a grammar nazi but you wouldn't be a residential customer you would of used the unlocker for your own private use....

I make spelling/grammar mistakes here all the time so not trying to be mean but I wanted to clarify .....

Last but not least why isn't this topic closed?????
I thought for sure you were gonna shut this puppy down Coz!!!
Wow... 5 people in a family with Tp2's sounds commercial? With the deals Sprint was giving for a short period of time for tp2's this doesn't sound commercial at all. Sounds like a smart family that wants to keep their lives organized but also want to flash nonoem roms. The problem that people have is this

1. For a time period (which may change) responses were taking longer than 3days to get back when a support ticket was submitted.

2. People like Mighty & Juggz and other rom developers aren't recording IMEI, IP, and PCID’s for you to flash their roms. If rom developers ever went to the same system as the HARDSPL, we all would be in “DONATION” hell. Lol

3. Unlocking your phone once, disabled EVERYBODY else in your household from unlocking and a support ticket has to be submitted. What if MIGHTY went to the same system, OMGGGGGGG this whole PPCGEEK thing would go down the drain. I’m thankful for the hard work that went into the HARDSPL, but understand peoples frustrations and just relax.

4. Nobody is use to the system and its new and has bugs and hopefully the bugs will be worked out with them going to a 2device per household. I’ve donated to Rom developers and thankful for their work, but the Hardspl donations are different and so people aren’t use to this new method.

5. I’m just glad that so far only the HARDSPL has this method of tracking and donations and nobody else so far hasn’t followed suit. If this does become a trend, I’m pretty sure people like you MinLo will be on here cursing the world as well. lol
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by cmonex View Post
i WISH it were unlimited donations LOL. it is not... from another post of yours, it looks like I DID help you, so why do you keep spreading nonsense rumours about us rejecting the requests?
You did help me to unlock one phone in my household, but then said if I needed anymore that I had to DONATE. Sooooo, if more than two people in my household needed an unlock, then a donation would be required = unlimited donations: b/c im sure im not the only one that was asked to donate. I did however donate for my replacement Tp2 although you stated that replacement Tp2's would be done free via support ticket. Plus I never said you guys rejected requests. Rejecting and not getting back are two different things. lol
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by cmonex View Post
some AV programs need to be disabled, because the packer I used to pack the program isn't liked by symantec.
I use NOD32 and that one doesn't complain. nor does Avast on my laptop. again a case where symantec sucks... :P
anyway, the reason for AV problems is stated in 1st post of the HSPL release too. I don't know what this nonsense idea is about hiding files in memory.

as for IP's, *any* page you visit online *will* see your IP so any site can and will probably log IP's (just think of the website statistics that all hosting providers offer you by default),
and most people (unless maybe if you are the police or something) can't do anything with an IP, so that's not terribly insecure I would say
we also log the IMEI and the PC's ID, but that's again not interesting.
we cannot identify you personally from any of this info. we do not take any info/personal data off your phone etc. etc.
so, that's all we log, and we don't look at the logs ourselves (unless requested), the server code tries to use it to detect unlock uses.

still, if you are worried and you don't want to believe when I say that we are not doing anything shady, and if you don't find the many references convincing about me and Olipro helping people since 2005 (on XDA since 2007), free for most of the time as well, then don't use the program, it's that simple.

does this answer help. I hope so.

also...I just noticed in your post.. what does the expression "pure action" mean??
Come on cmone, don’t say an AV sucks b/c it actually works better than yours. I’ve verified and Mcafee, Kaspersky, Symantec, Windows Security Essentials, and Panda all detect your unlocker as malware. Your telling me all of these AV’s suck? lol
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
You did help me to unlock one phone in my household, but then said if I needed anymore that I had to DONATE. Sooooo, if more than two people in my household needed an unlock, then a donation would be required = unlimited donations: b/c im sure im not the only one that was asked to donate. I did however donate for my replacement Tp2 although you stated that replacement Tp2's would be done free via support ticket. Plus I never said you guys rejected requests. Rejecting and not getting back are two different things. lol
yeah i only unlock my phone and wheni tried unlocking my girls phone it didnt let me even tho i used her laptop and network then i sent them an eticket and explain what happen i told them that it was private use and it was my sencond phone their response was that since i already unlock one device i hat to donate.

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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by ezln0423 View Post
yeah i only unlock my phone and wheni tried unlocking my girls phone it didnt let me even tho i used her laptop and network then i sent them an eticket and explain what happen i told them that it was private use and it was my sencond phone their response was that since i already unlock one device i hat to donate.
Yes... Exactly, funny how that works. Another reason why the licensefree unlocker is floating. lol
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2009, 09:04 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
Yes... Exactly, funny how that works. Another reason why the licensefree unlocker is floating. lol
yeah too bad i havent been able to get my hands on that bad boy lol also i tried the work around and it didnt work oh well ill wait and see if anything change and if it doesnt ill wait till i get enough funds on paypal....
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2009, 04:03 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
You did help me to unlock one phone in my household, but then said if I needed anymore that I had to DONATE. Sooooo, if more than two people in my household needed an unlock, then a donation would be required = unlimited donations: b/c im sure im not the only one that was asked to donate. I did however donate for my replacement Tp2 although you stated that replacement Tp2's would be done free via support ticket. Plus I never said you guys rejected requests. Rejecting and not getting back are two different things. lol
for godssake, do you have unlimited number of people in your household? if yes, then yes we get unlimited donations! so please just tell me how to make so many kids, I'd like to know more abour your method!
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