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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:30 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

I came across a site where they're people working on unlocking the unlocker right now. For all the same reasons everone is complaining about * Personal Information being recorded, Replacement Phones and the endless donating if you get a dud replacement phone * I think the vast majority of people, 98% are using the unlocker for personal use, it just seems like we are the ones who this is affecting the most. I really don't think this is the way it was suppose to be.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by O'Neil Mitchell View Post
I really don't think this is the way it was suppose to be.
i agree 100%.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01 View Post
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50286; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)

I just read every word of this thread, and now I'm concerned about what is going on with this unlocker. Yay 4 Juggs, that response you got is unbelievable. Of course it goes without saying with anything, if you don't trust it, don't use it. But we were all misled into believing the unlocker is safe and does not gather sensitive information. On top of that, we were told first use is free, replacement phones can be free, commercial use is pay, otherwise donations are appreciated - not required.

Now the part that pisses me off is they will not disclose what information is being gathered. While I don't believe I have super sensitive info (with the exception of internet cookies with my username and password to my bank accounts, utility companies, and Verizon account. My home computer has even more sensitive information), who's to say what's safe?

And all you F'in morons saying "What's the big deal about donating $5.12? Well I say to you, there is no big deal. All of us here are willing to pay $5.12 for the unlocker - if it is required. Instead, we're told a payment is not required, but then extensive, and unacceptable measures are taken to prevent us from using the unlocker.

Still to you morons, I would much rather pay $5.12, or even $10.12 for something that unlocks my phone indefinitely, than provide any sensitive information about myself. Had I been aware that they would "gather whatever info they wanted, and shame on us for asking" would be the case, I would NOT have unlocked my phone.

Oh, and to the other stupid f**k who said don't be scared, they're going to sell us kiddie porn or whatever, get a clue. There is so much damage they can do with such information.

Although I cannot code, I'm with you guys to unlock the unlocker, or bring this to the attention of others. That response they gave is shrewd and unacceptible. I feel dirty using an unlocked TP2, and also for those who are to naiive to know what's going on. Something must be done. What a genius scheme they have running...
I'm with you! Thankfully with Badsez method the unlocker has been UNLOCKED. You can now use your same computer and network you used to unlock your first touch pro2 to unlock any replacements touch pro2. Tested and verified!!! No more waiting and no more unlimited donations.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2009, 08:41 PM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by mikejones13 View Post
I was able to unlock my replacement phone at my job last week. I had no problems, but it was a different computer, different connection and was Win XP and not Win 7 like I run at home.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking would work.

I think that if you try to unlock from an IP or computer (they probably seed the registry, hide data somewhere, or send back a fingerprint of system data [e.g., MAC Addy, etc.]) that previously unlocked a TP2, the new MEID is blacklisted. But who knows?

I got a new TP2 today, sent in a request to unlock, no response yet.

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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 12:23 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

I don't mind these guys asking for donations for their work. But put me in the group that doesn't like my personal and sensitive info being gathered without my knowledge or permission.

And you know, these guys have a lot of nerve anyway. Technically HTC wrote this software and they are just tweaking HTC's work. They have a lot of nerve going through such ridiculous copy protection measures on something that is supposedly free, and isn't even technically their intellectual property anyway.

I'm definitely appreciative of their work in getting us an SPL. I think we are all appreciative of it. But they are taking themselves way too seriously when they go through all of this in order to prevent people from downloading it.

If you want to get paid for your work, fine ask for a donation. But when you start REQUIRING a donation, and putting copywrite protections on it, it's no longer a donation- it's a straight up charge. And if you are going to charge us, then #1- give us some terms of service, user agreement, etc, that tells us what personal info you are gathering. I'm pretty sure that is required by law in most places. And #2- get legal permission from HTC to do this.

You can't go halfway with this. If we're being charged, then we have a legal right to hold someone accountable. And some screen name for some "hacker" is hardly good enough. If our personal info did get used in a manner that we didn't approve of, we have a legal right to hold someone accountable. And when all we have is a screen name of some internet hacker, that does not fit the bill.

You want to charge people for this- do it legally. Get a legit company that we can sue if our personal info gets used inappropriately. This whole "don't use it if you don't trust it" doesn't fly when you are paying for something. And calling it a donation to try and get around the rules is crap.
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 12:43 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

I had to pay 5 dollars for my replaced tp2.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
Yeah, that's what I was thinking would work.

I think that if you try to unlock from an IP or computer (they probably seed the registry, hide data somewhere, or send back a fingerprint of system data [e.g., MAC Addy, etc.]) that previously unlocked a TP2, the new MEID is blacklisted. But who knows?

I got a new TP2 today, sent in a request to unlock, no response yet.
Using Badsez workaround, you don't have to wait.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 01:05 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
I don't mind these guys asking for donations for their work. But put me in the group that doesn't like my personal and sensitive info being gathered without my knowledge or permission.

And you know, these guys have a lot of nerve anyway. Technically HTC wrote this software and they are just tweaking HTC's work. They have a lot of nerve going through such ridiculous copy protection measures on something that is supposedly free, and isn't even technically their intellectual property anyway.

I'm definitely appreciative of their work in getting us an SPL. I think we are all appreciative of it. But they are taking themselves way too seriously when they go through all of this in order to prevent people from downloading it.

If you want to get paid for your work, fine ask for a donation. But when you start REQUIRING a donation, and putting copywrite protections on it, it's no longer a donation- it's a straight up charge. And if you are going to charge us, then #1- give us some terms of service, user agreement, etc, that tells us what personal info you are gathering. I'm pretty sure that is required by law in most places. And #2- get legal permission from HTC to do this.

You can't go halfway with this. If we're being charged, then we have a legal right to hold someone accountable. And some screen name for some "hacker" is hardly good enough. If our personal info did get used in a manner that we didn't approve of, we have a legal right to hold someone accountable. And when all we have is a screen name of some internet hacker, that does not fit the bill.

You want to charge people for this- do it legally. Get a legit company that we can sue if our personal info gets used inappropriately. This whole "don't use it if you don't trust it" doesn't fly when you are paying for something. And calling it a donation to try and get around the rules is crap.
very well put!
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
To bad we have no way around it unless somebody else can code an unlocker w/o the licnese stuff. Right now we are at their mercy and they get unlimited donations. We either deal with it, or use stock roms. lol Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr have somebody else code. But if it was easy, I think it would of been done by now.
Someone already did hours after it came out. Obviously it was deleted here but I was one of the lucky few who happened to grab it and thus I have a license-free unlocker on one of my computers. You'll have to PM me for more details, though.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...

Originally Posted by nuprotocol View Post
Using Badsez workaround, you don't have to wait.
I don't think his workaround will work if it has been blacklisted (You tried to unlock & it was rejected.)
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