This should work on any Verizon winmo device with ANY ROM......
i have had problems with MMS from the start on Juicy and Energy ROM's.
from what i understand using HTC messaging, which is accessed from text tab on Sense, will not work for MMS.
BUT you do not have to disable. simply slide to mail tab in Sense and goto all messages and slide left or right to SMS/MMS. From there you can receive your pic messages. i can live with that personally, although it would be nice to have through Sense.....
fyi - sense is aka manila aka tf3d
so when i first flashed the Juicy or Energy ROM here is what i did to get it working on my Verizon touch pro2
- make sure arcsoft software is installed. do this by going to mail tab in sense.....all messages....and slide left or right....if you dont see a sms/mms it is not installed. i have attached arcsoft
*Note - arcsoft might be Hiding!!! if you have installed arcsoft and you still cant access by the way i described above then you need to make this registry change
Rename SMS to
- after that is installed you will need the correct registry settings. i have attached the cab for verizon settings. all this does is tell acrsoft software the mms server/file size/port/etc......(note- not sure why cab says m2.1? i guess its referring to manila 2.1, but its working on 2.5)
again, these are the steps i have been taking to get mms working on my verizon touch pro 2.
the main thing to remember is you cant get mms through HTC sense sms/mms.... HAVE TO USE WINDOWS MMS TO SEND RECEIVE MMS
You can still you text through sense Text Though......