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Old 09-04-2009, 06:44 AM
eggers2's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Touch HD
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Hands free car kit - will this work?

Hi all,

As my car doesn't have a CD player (don't laugh) but has a tape drive I bought a sony cassette adapter with a 3.5 mm out put jack in order to use my HTC touch HD to play music through the car's speaker system. This works very well indeed. An added bonus was that when driving along and someone rang me, the music stopped and the phone rang, I andwered it and was surprised to hear the caller very clearly through the car's speaker sysytem. Here's the problem though the caller could bearly hear me at the other end and commented that it sounded like I was underwater. Now I have thought about how I might resolve this by adding the supplied HTC headset into the equation, purely from the microphone point of view and not putting in the ear piece if that makes sense. The obvious barrier here is that there is only one 3.5mm output on the HTC and wondered that if I bought an adapter that effectively allowed two 3.5mm inputs to share the single output on the HTC I might resolve the issue.

Any advice would be welcome.

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