Re: Should I Buy The TOUCH HD For Use in the US???
are you Getting 3G on ur HD on the At&t network or only Edge ? |
Re: Should I Buy The TOUCH HD For Use in the US???
Telstra Touch HD (T8285 not the T8282) uses the 850 3G band and is compatible with at&t's 3G network. only downside is that you have to be in an area where at&t uses the 850 band to deliver 3G speeds.
AT&T Nexus One / HTC (Telstra) Desire "My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?" --Snoopy |
Re: Should I Buy The TOUCH HD For Use in the US???
I definitely would not since the TP2 is around the corner. And especially since these devices use so much data, I wouldnt dare use AT&T or T-Mobile since they have the WORST data speeds in all creation lol. Even the Iphone fanboys hate the horrible signal strength and turtle snow internet. And thats even in a so called good coverage area.
I wish Mighty Mike could have an EVO
Re: Should I Buy The TOUCH HD For Use in the US???
Re: Should I Buy The TOUCH HD For Use in the US???
I also agree that AT&T speeds really aren't bad at all, definitely faster than Sprint in certain areas, though you can't hold a HSPA connection quite as well as EVDO.
HTC Touch Pro || Sprint