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Old 12-09-2008, 05:29 AM
jim2561's Avatar
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Pocket PC: HTC Touch HD (Blackstone)
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TouchFlo 3D / Manilla and Backlight Differences

I have noticed that the HD has a couple of negative differences to both the diamond and the manilla version available from herg on xda

When you go to the mail tab, the envelop icon doesn't flip in all fancy like (is this a sprint addition? I have seen it on the sprint diamond).

Also in the mail tab in the version of manilla from xda I had on my vogue a month or so back, it would show a counter of which message you were currently viewing. IE 15/50, 14/50 etc...my HD does not.

When you scroll through messages in the mail tab, they don't slide up or down like they do on the diamond/pro, they just kind of jump/flutter and there is the next one.

When you go to programs or settings tab, the items don't softly appear with that nice touch as they do on the sprint diamond/pro. Just bang there they are.

I have also noticed that when you power on the device, the backlight doesn't come on all soft and smooth like it does on the sprint diamond/pro.

None of these of course are big things and I'm getting nit-picky here, but still definitely nice polishing touches that I would like to enjoy on my fancy HD
jim256 = jim2561

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Flashing How To for Vogue

Super cheap phones: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=39267

HD or iPhone http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=44839

Android on Vogue (by dzo): http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=23244
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