Bluetooth issue fix (idea)
hey guys im new to this site but have 2 months of experience with my PPC-6800. I am also having a problem with my bluetooth. Knowing about this issue with everyone's mogul i still went ahead and bought me one of the best bluetooths out now, the Blueant Z9. Even this didn't work well with my Mogul. Experienced choppy sound. So i tried this and it worked.....
1. Delete your device from the Bluetooth list.
2. Move about 20 ft. away from ur phone with ur bluetooth and
have it on pairing mode.
3. Leave it there and go back to your phone and click "Add a device"
Once they are paired, that's it, believe it or not, worked for me. The reason why this can really work is because it has something to do with forcing the bluetooth to use a different channel that works good with that distance and it keeps the setting that way.
Try it out guys, lets see how many ppl find this useful. Just trying to help.