nueSPL 2.47 question
Hey, is there anyone that can give me the nuespl-247.nhb file so I can unlock my phone. When you download nueSPL 2.47 I understand that you have to run the .exe file from your phone, then from there pull the .nhb file and rename it and restart the phone in bootloader and follow the few prompts. Well my phone wont boot up in anything but bootloader so! I cant run the .exe file from my phone to extract and pull the .nhb file. I hope that makes sence. I am trying to flash my phone but its locked. And I cant use the other program because I can not use mobile center to sync my phone since wm 6.1 is corupt and will not boot. Thanks for the help!
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
so just rename the nueSPL-2.47.exe to TITAIMG.nbh? If thats the case I tried that and its not working. It will just for a quick second say loading and then switch back to the bootloader program and still say its the SPL 2.07 so not unlocked.
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
This isn't possible to do. You have to have the included jumpspl to load the 2.4 .nbh. I haven't been able to do it without running the .exe
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Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
sorry im not sure, but i seem to remember him being right... unless you could unrar the unlocker on you computer, then put on the root of the card
but alas, i remember reading something about that jumpspl, being a requisite for the nbh to begin? |
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
okay, is it possible to run the wm 6.1 emulator on the pc, run that .exe and then pull the .nhb that it extracts and update my phone? I know sounding crazy just dont want to trash my phone so trying to go for broke on all options.
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
well, it sounds like you already trashed it..
you need to first concentrate on getting the phone to boot.. to do that you need to flash the shipped rom. then worry about unlocking and flashing the rom you want.
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Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
I have the .nbh but you can not load it with the jumpspl. What is your exact problem. I bet I can find a solution. What is your current rom, radio, and bootloader version. I am available for chatting in the site flashchat if I need to walk you though the steps.
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
well my extract problem is I am stuck in booting up my phone. When I turn my phone on it starts up with the grey screen for reseting it. I am guessing my windows mobile is corupt. So I cant start windows, which means I cant extract the exe file. I can only get the reset screen and or to the bootloader screen. I did a reset but it just starts back up at the screen after it says complete. So I was told to reload my rom on there, well I cant sync with my computer since I cant start windows so figured my only chance was to unlock it in bootloader and try to load a rom on there as pretty much I have nothing on there now.
Re: nueSPL 2.47 question
you can flash a rom without an activesync connection in bootloader. Just plug in and usb will appear at bottom instead of serial. assumming you have sprint try this ftp://ppcgeeks.com/Titan/CarrierRoms..._0619_Ship.exe