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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 02:03 AM
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My first thread on ppcgeeks (its bout mogul)

i was fully flashing mogul with a cricket kitchen rom as i had done couple of these phones before but i dont know may be because i forgot to find the spc and write the prl before starting the process so i followed the steps and fully flashed with cricket rom but i cant unlock and write the prl coz its not giving me the right spc when i use Get SPC program on memory card.
I can connect it to active sync but when i put it in diagnostic mode by ##3424 send i see its in right com port but the phone would not connect i have a another similar phone which connects without any problem to qpst etc but this phone does not connect to the qpst or cdma workshop
I flashed over with cricket rom again but no luck.
Now i need someone to guide me to get this unlocked the right way or to get this phone connected to qpst or cdma workshop.

I know people here are genius and they definitely have a solution for this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2009, 01:17 PM
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Re: My first thread on ppcgeeks (its bout mogul)

Originally Posted by don11 View Post
i was fully flashing mogul with a cricket kitchen rom as i had done couple of these phones before but i dont know may be because i forgot to find the spc and write the prl before starting the process so i followed the steps and fully flashed with cricket rom but i cant unlock and write the prl coz its not giving me the right spc when i use Get SPC program on memory card.
I can connect it to active sync but when i put it in diagnostic mode by ##3424 send i see its in right com port but the phone would not connect i have a another similar phone which connects without any problem to qpst etc but this phone does not connect to the qpst or cdma workshop
I flashed over with cricket rom again but no luck.
Now i need someone to guide me to get this unlocked the right way or to get this phone connected to qpst or cdma workshop.

I know people here are genius and they definitely have a solution for this.
You will need to find BAF MSL grabber and install it to the phone and use it to get the MSL. This should give you the correct code. You may also want to look through some of my previous posts and find the link for the HTC driver and install it on your XP computer. Sorry I don't have time to link them here but I have done so in some of my previous posts. I even have a link for BAF MSL grabber in a previous post.

If I helped you hit the thanks button.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 11:43 AM
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Re: My first thread on ppcgeeks (its bout mogul)

get spl works great on sprint phones but if its an other carrier forget about it. heres what i used it works an all carriers and works great.
ur solution, first you must have reg. editer. google it , second, The surefire way to obtain the MSL code from your Mogul (Thanks to Geoff aka gZUB @ PPCGEEKS:

* Change the following registry entries in:
Enable: 1
LogMode: 1
* Wait a reasonable amount of time and soft-reset (I have noticed that it seems to take longer for this value to take affect, so if you reboot and the registry values are not changed, then you need to do it again and wait longer)
* Check to see that the file \Temp\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
* Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
* Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:


11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: 354201\r\n0\r

11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 216112\r\n0\r

* The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL... I do not know what the ROTKSL is for, but included it in the snippet incase someone knows.
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