Originally Posted by Ajada85
just got my mogul like yesterday! Just wanted to know what's some good software that will enhance the mogul!! When to another Forum and came across this........ google maps, cleartemp(or memmaid), pocketrar(if you download apps right from your mogul), Codyppc Threaded SMS cab(it threads text messages like an instant messenger so its one message instead of a million single texts, found at ppcgeeks.com), X-button(fully closes programs by holding "x" in top right corner because the mogul just closes it down but it still runs in the background which uses alot of memory), Arcsoft MMS cab(enables picture mail on mogul), Flash player, and HTC HOME cab ( allows you to customize the homescreen)??
Some must have's...
Quick Menu
Sprint TV
ArcSoft MMS
Nilisco Flashlight
Pocket Screen Capture
SMSNoSentMsg (it's a Reg Edit but there is a cab that will do all the work)
PHM Registry Editor
Pocket RAR
Vicsoft UI Tweaker
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Home
HTC Home Customizer
HTC Dialer
Google Maps
Live Search
Flash Player
iContact (great/stable program with a small footprint)
Remap Softkeys
Vistahige Battery Gauge
Use the search feature on this forum and XDA-developers.com to find everything. Happy Hunting!