Need opinions on how to...
... setup my Mogul to best fit my needs. I've been playing and reading non-stop for almost two weeks, testing apps and reading about folks varied experiences, trying to decide on exactly what it is that I want, and how best to get there. I finally decided on what I'd like, now I just need some recommendations on how to get there.
Here is a quick rundown on what I'd like to do, and what I've tried so far. 1) Basically, at a bare minimum I want my today screen to stay clean while showing a good size clock, indicators for Email, Vmail, and Missed Calls and my next appointment or two. Memory usage would be cool, but totally not a necessity.
2) I'd like to use my stylus as little as possible for interacting with most functions, ideally only being a couple of finger taps from any of my main applications and a photo dialer. After playing with SPB Mobile Shell, I *love* the menu. I also love the HTC Home plugin but the two together absolutely killed my memory and performance. I also had some issues just running MS, Pocket Plus, and Time. I've read they are all memory hogs, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
So all this leads to ....
A) I think my ideal setup would be to use a hardware button to bring up a finger touchable, fully customizable launcher, either iPhone style, or SPB Menu style, or anything along those lines. Does this even exist?
B) Is there anything like the HTC Home that will leave a clean looking today screen and still show emails/vmails/missed calls? Mobile Shell didn't do this, hence me adding HTC Home and having the issues.
I am totally open to any suggestions, whether they are programs still in alpha, or fully paid programs. I just want to be able to utilize my device in the most effective (for me) manner, while not totally draining it down to < 10 mb as I was running most of the time.
PS: This forum is simply awesome. You guys have a great community and great contributors. If it weren't for here, I'd probably have been disappointedly fighting my way through trying to get anything done on my Mogul, instead of having a blast messing with it. Keep up the awesome work.
- DogGuy