PDAnet and internet sharing....
i have tried both, internet sharing (with disable NAI and can confirm i was not bill after a month of usage) and PDANET 1.80. for me the winner is internet sharing. is more reliable, simple, and less buggy. after trying PDANET 1.80 i went back to internet sharing in a flash. PDANET does what it suppost to but u most be connected with active sync, after trying to call my phone from a lan line and connected to the internet with pdanet, i found that half of my calls did not go through, the other half were one ring and then drop the call and other straight to voicemail, at one point my phone even froze for like a minute and the line stood open for the entire time. internet sharing has never done this. using internet sharing sometimes i get the 67 error, but i only have to hit connect and then open IE and the problem is gone. i'm a long time pdanet user when i had my treo and the same problem with dropping calls. i thought this issue was resolve but i thought wrong. pdanet also gave me an modern unable to connect error, which i had to soft reset to be able to connect again with #777. other times, pdanet was telling that modern was busy and unable to connect. both gave me the same speed, using data cable or bluetooth DUN. i'm sticking with internet sharing.