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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2007, 11:41 AM
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another alternative is rlToday and can be found here:


There are many skins available and you will be able to find a large digital clock in the forums there.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2007, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by jtrageser View Post
I use the Kaiser 6 Tab Home Plugin (with only 4 tabs enabled) and I use SPB Mobile Shell, SPB Phone Suite, and SPB Diary right along with it on my Mogul. I just have the Mobile Shell tabs locked above the Home Plugin and the Home Plugin is locked as well so I don't get any issues with resizing when I slide the keyboard open and it goes to landscape. I have the SPB Phone Suite and SPB Diary as Tabs in SPB Mobile Shell and Weather Panel has a tab also. I should post some screen shots of my phone on here. I may do that later on today if I get a chance.

Anyway, using the Kaiser Home Plugin with SPB Mobile Shell and Phone Suite is NOT redundant. It actually works qute well together with Mobile Shell above the Home Plugin and it looks excellent.
Well, I like the PhoneSuite being its own thing on the screen. I might replace the mobile shell plugin with the HTC though, I'm not sure yet.

And a word of warning, I installed the rlToday thing linked in here and it almost caused me to have to hard reset. It froze up instantly whenever I did a soft reset. I got lucky because it was far enough down that if I slide open the keyboard before resetting, it wouldn't try to display it, which let me get in and uninstall it.

My main reason for not using the home plugin is a few customization issues. Maybe there are fixes to this. First, I'd like a battery meter display someplace. Second, I like the weather icon to reflect the current conditions (though not necessary, just nice). I'm going to try it out though, I'd just really like some kind of battery display. I think i'm going to disable the MobileShell on the today page, so that won't fulfill my needs, but I'm going to play around with it more.

I got it setup how I like, with some registry hacks to get SPB Mobile Shell to display above the Home Plug.

Last edited by Baffles; 09-17-2007 at 08:32 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2007, 08:20 PM
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Alright, I set it up how I like it, BUT I cannot have the HTC Home locked and have the SPB Mobile Shell appear above it. Is there any way to have it work this way? I want the Mobile Shell tabs above the home plugin.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2007, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Baffles View Post
Alright, I set it up how I like it, BUT I cannot have the HTC Home locked and have the SPB Mobile Shell appear above it. Is there any way to have it work this way? I want the Mobile Shell tabs above the home plugin.
Using the registry editor of your choice, go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\

Go to the HTC Home folder and look at the "order" key. This value must be greater than the "order" key on the SPB Mobile Shell one. For example, you could set the SPB order key to 1 and set the HTC Home to 2.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2007, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by stroths View Post
Using the registry editor of your choice, go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\

Go to the HTC Home folder and look at the "order" key. This value must be greater than the "order" key on the SPB Mobile Shell one. For example, you could set the SPB order key to 1 and set the HTC Home to 2.
Yeah, that's exactly what I did and it works great. At this point in time, I wouldn't have my phone any other way. I've tried just about everything out there and it either didn't have the functionality I wanted or it just caused problems. I'm very happy with using HTC Home Plugin and Mobile Shell above it. It's working out great.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2007, 11:31 AM
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Sweet, I'm loving it. http://misc.barfthedog.net/phoneshots <- some screenshots from my phone.

Thanks guys!
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