Originally Posted by jtrageser
hotmail sucks... I've used my hotmail account for spam for years now. It's not worth anything and F+)U+)C+)K+) bill gates. Microsoft sucks uhh.. well you get my point... gmail rules the emal world. All you haterz can eat a fat one.
You sir are a retard... Your bashing a company that made the very OS that you use and love on a daily basis. They are responsible for the rapid advance of computer technology, and have given BILLIONS of dollars to charity all over the world. If you hate MSFT so much why in the hell do you have a Windows Mobile Device? And it seems like the only hater that needs to "eat a fat one" is the one you see in the mirror every morning, YOU!
Get some individuality and do something besides being a hypocrite.
My lord, How many people are going to jump on the "lets be cool and trash talk ___ company" bandwagon before it gets old...