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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: Someone want to verify a different way to get MSL?

Is Com9 still open for people on 3.35? I can't seem to access it.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
Undoing advances in Mogul's since 2007. Titan ReLocker, WM5 roms (don't use w/ gps radio): Telus, TNZ
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 02:39 AM
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Re: Someone want to verify a different way to get MSL?

Originally Posted by gzub View Post
I was playing about with my Sprint Mogul and found a couple of ways to get your MSL... They basically both get it the same way, just take different routes to get there.

Two different ways to get MSL:

Method A:
  • Change the following registry entries in:
    Enable: 1
    LogMode: 1
  • Wait a reasonable amount of time and soft-reset (I have noticed that it seems to take longer for this value to take affect, so if you reboot and the registry values are not changed, then you need to do it again and wait longer)
  • Check to see that the file \Temp\ATDbg0.txt has been created.
  • Return the values back to what they were (most likely 0) waiting the same amount of time as above.
  • Look in the ATDbg0.txt file and you should see a log of commands sent to the CDMA radio and there should be something like this somewhere in the file:

    11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_RMSL=0\r
    11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_RMSL: 354201\r\n0\r
    11:9:3 Tx:AT+HTC_ROTKSL=0\r
    11:9:3 Rx:+HTC_ROTKSL: 216112\r\n0\r
  • The numbers next to the Rx: +HTC_RMSL line should be your MSL... I do not know what the ROTKSL is for, but included it in the snippet incase someone knows.
Method B:
  • Start your favorite pocket-pc terminal program (like pocketPutty - http://www.pocketputty.net/)
  • Connect to com9 (Putty used default speed of 9600)
  • type in AT+HTC_RMSL=0 and hit enter, your MSL will be displayed.
  • Soft reset to restore phone functionality
Let me know if it works for you...


yeah ive seen this before,,, I saw it on xda site,, tried both quite a while back,, and both work just fine...
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